Hello everyone!
The Stringfreeze for Fedora 8 was on September the 25. In 14 days the Translationfreeze will be too. So, now we've to hurry, to get Fedora translated into other languages! For some languages there are big parts missing - others are nearly complete. So, PLEASE look at the status of your language and (if it's not already completed) improve the translation. Translation an software (in this case fedora) is one of the most imported actions, for making it user-friendly.
Greatings, Michael
Hi, Michael
What are you looking at? What language is "others are nearly complete"?
I checked http://elvis.redhat.com/cgi-bin/i18n-status .
The status of the most translated language (Portuguese) is "25731 entries, 4531 fuzzy, 7779 untranslated".
All languages but top 6 languages have more than half of the entries left fuzzy or untranslated.
It is because the two big modules (desc and summary) were not merged more than three months. Though the string freeze date was 28 August, they were merged at between 8 and 12 of September.
I am translating into Japanese. Before the merge, Japanese had 1397 fuzzy and 1103 untranslated (It was a bit difficult to complete translation in time). After the merge, it grew to 5661 and 9278. (It's definitely impossible!)
The grow on other languages are almost the same.
Except a few languages which have many active translators, it's impossible to translate more than 12000 entries in such a short period.
Even with many active translators, it's difficult because more than 12000 entries are on only two modules.
I think two modules of desc and summary must be divided into more than ten modules. They were too grown to be translated.
And the worse, some modules are scattering to other servers of different way to apply translations on these days.
Though the TQSG was updated, it doesn't say the scatterings and I can't find the way to handle them.
Do you know a magic to translate them all?
Michael Sch
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Are the strings in these modules from only F8 coming release ?
They are the string, that will be used for F8, but when F8 is released and the developing of F9 will beginn, they will also be used for F9 - just the Strings which have changed and the new strings have to be translated (newly).
Greetings, Michi