2011/3/27 Danishka Navin danishka@gmail.com:
Highly appreciate if some one could add Sinhala (si) to fedora@ transifex [2] Please grant me same privileges as in [1].
[1] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/L10N_Teams [2] http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/fedora/teams/
I have noticed that there are two groups for Sinhala on fedora@ transifex as "si" and "si_LK".
Let me know which one I should maintain. Requested for both groups.
I've accepted both Sinhala requests. You should use si for software translations and sri_LK for documentation translations (there is a problem with Publican/Transifex right now). Let us know if you need any help. :)