I just want to recap and clear all the heat in the previous emails, hoping to reach a point where everyone cool down and reach a working environment.
Current Status:
- - Most of the Arabic translation almost done. - - Arabeyes team to take credit for the translaiton. - - New team from KCAST want to join. - - Individuals from other Arabic LUGs want to join - - Fedora Team still working on setting up team pages, current system allow maintainers for modules, and or large scale maintainer for certain lang. I belive the system should fit fine, yet it is open for suggesstion and request enhancement as needed.
I personally agree with what Alan mentioned that most of the translation teams usually appear when all the work are done. I can see valid request from Arabeyes to have maintainership on the arabic translation. Also I can see the concerns which the other groups have against arabeyes, and the fear of control and forcing policies from Arabeyes, requesting to be part of arabeyes or you can not contribute. Some ppl do not want to be part of Arabeyes yet they would like to contribute.
I would like to recommend something to solve all this. No one can deny the effort done by Arabeyes and it would be unfair not to grant them the maintainer. Yet, I hope that feedback from others and suggestion would be faced by difficult attitude from Arabeyes. This is one of the main issue I saw personally.
Quoting from Mohamed Elzubeir:
- You have certain issues with the way Arabeyes handles things (so far Arabeyes officially has not done anything, so I'm not sure what you are referring to -- but if you do have such issues, we would be happy to hear constructive criticism on the 'general' list).
That would not be only me. Munzir & Mohammed Desoky requested more open and flexible attitude from Arabeyes. Not only referring to what is currently Arabeyes doing on Fedora, but overall as a policy. For example the attitude when discussing things, starting aggressively defending, sarcasm tone, ...etc. Not only what happened here while discussing, but also from the link Munzir pasted, it seems the default way to handle issues.
I think it worth listening and considering :)
After all we all are interested in Arabic being properly supported and translated. It is good to have larger group regardless if they want to work under Arabeyes or outside. I hope you agree with me on this.
So I would like to ask the other arabic groups to team up with arabeyes, and work up something which satisfy everyone, and get the work done.
I belive we will need to review & QA the work done already plus finishing up the last big file which is not yet done.
Munzir, Mohamed Deskoy, Arabeyes & Other indiveduals any suggestion on how to move from this point forward?
Just keep in mind two things Arabeyes is well established group who I belive should maintain. Yet, a littel bit of change of how things handled and allow more freedome to others groups need to be clear and granted from Arabeyes. Afterall we all working on one target.
Any comments?