OK now. Thanks. :)
[root@hutuworm anaconda]# cvs ci -m "update by hutuworm @ 20040621" zh_CN.po Testing zh_CN.po... **** Access allowed: hutuworm is in ACL for anaconda/po. Checking in zh_CN.po; /usr/local/CVS/anaconda/po/zh_CN.po,v <-- zh_CN.po new revision: 1.67; previous revision: 1.66 done Running syncmail... Mailing ...syncmail done.
======= 2004-06-22 13:23:00 Quote from your mail =======
Sarah Wang,
I've taken anaconda/po/zh_CN.po on the web, but...
[root@hutuworm anaconda]# cvs ci -m "update by hutuworm @ 20040621" zh_CN.po Testing zh_CN.po... [anaconda/po/zh_CN.po] is not assigned to you. **** Access allowed: hutuworm is in ACL for anaconda/po. cvs server: Pre-commit check failed cvs [server aborted]: correct above errors first!
======= 2004-06-22 11:15:01 Quote from your mail =======
Hello all,
The new translation status page has been installed:
You will notice that there is a new column called "Availability" for each package. It either says "Finished" (if the translation is 100%) or has a "Take" button (if the translation is not 100%). This feature is designed to minimise the commit conflicts and better coordinate the translation activity within the same language group. If you wish to finish the translation of a package, just click "Take" button, fill in your login and password. Then you will be able to finish and commit the translation to cvs. All cvs account holders should have received or soon to receive information about login name and password.
Please feel free to ask if you have any questions and encountered any problems.
Regards, Sarah
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