* glezos has changed the topic to: Fedora Localization Group meeting -- Agenda: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/L10N/Meetings glezos <meeting> glezos hey all glezos Who's around? marek Marek Mahut - sk * loupgaroublond * warren has quit (Remote closed the connection) * jeremy has quit (Remote closed the connection) Rasther DiegoZacarao (pt_BR) * vpv (i=vpv@fedora/vpv) has joined #fedora-meeting * warren (i=warren@nat/redhat/x-5217c1790673d641) has joined #fedora-meeting * GeroldKa (n=GeroldKa@fedora/geroldka) has joined #fedora-meeting * jeremy (i=katzj@nat/redhat/x-282f78b789f9fc9d) has joined #fedora-meeting glezos okey glezos vpv: around? vpv yup glezos Should we cancel the meeting? marek why? glezos too few people? (don't remember the word in english) GeroldKa less Dimitri * caillon (n=caillon@mithril.returnzero.com) has left #fedora-meeting kanarip says GeroldKa ;-) skvidal glezos: the english word is quorum skvidal which I actually believe is a latin word :) glezos skvidal: thank you! marek quorum is less that 50%, no? skvidal marek: less than a decision-making number glezos well anyway, since we're here let's just get it going skvidal in some bodies it is a simple majority vpv glezos: could you just give us a brief status update on transifex, I haven't been able to follow #fedora-l10n that closely lately skvidal in some cases 60% skvidal in some 2/3rds * glezos has changed the topic to: Fedora Localization Group meeting -- Agenda: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/L10N/Meetings -- TQSG splitting task completed marek skvidal: right ok glezos OK, so the translation quick start guide has been revamped glezos committed and made live by stickster_work (thanks paul!) * tux_440volt (n=subhodip@ has left #fedora-meeting ("Konversation terminated!") glezos some translations are not up2date, now it's probably a good time to update your translations of it glezos noriko is not around to give us an update glezos she's done some great job in splitting it up in more useful parts glezos Feel free to make any additions you feel it needs glezos Comments? * glezos has changed the topic to: Fedora Localization Group meeting -- Agenda: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/L10N/Meetings -- Transifex update * Zippy-cz (n=Zippy@ip-89-102-9-95.karneval.cz) has joined #fedora-meeting glezos So, we've progressed in the transifex front glezos Live instance at: http://publictest5.fedora.redhat.com/submit/ glezos make that https: https://publictest5.fedora.redhat.com/submit/ glezos feel free to login with your Fedora details glezos We've enabled smolt and revisor *real* repos loupgaroublond good, i was wondering when it would go in :) glezos I'm keeping a close eye on the logs for errors glezos please do commit translations on smolt/revisor. Now is a good chance since you 're all here. * couf shows up glezos If everything works OK it's a piece of cake to add 10 more modules in 2 minutes * glezos notes that revisor has a Changelog file enabled (po/Changelog) which gets updated automatically by transifex kanarip woei! loupgaroublond glezos, if i were to put a po/Changelog in smolt, would that be updated automatically on mercurial? glezos Also, thanks to Rasther's pushing, I've enabled uploads to do PO-validitity, empty-diff and some other checks kanarip also note that the latest POT in transifex is from 2007-06-28 although I'm sure the git repo has a more recent one glezos loupgaroublond: I'll have to do a revisor.changelog='po/Changelog' on the DB shell. loupgaroublond glezos, i'll ping you after i make the change in the repo then glezos kanarip: transifex is at /submit/. The / is damned-lies which has some outdated statistics :/ kanarip glezos, right glezos ...and I think I just did the first successful revisor commit through transifex: http://git.fedoraproject.org/?p=hosted/revisor;a=commit;h=HEAD glezos yay to mmcgrath for setting it up and kanarip for letting us experiment! :) kanarip you did commit, yeah ;-) glezos I've got on the TODO to make git select "Name Surname via Transifex username@fedoraproject.org" as the commiter details couf nice work glezos glezos So, anyway. Everyone, please commit as many stuff as possible in the next 1-2 days to make sure everything works as it should glezos I'd like to take the opportunity to thank Diego (Rasther) for the support, comments and suggestions. :) vpv ok, I can login, but the DL side doesn't have any po files, so should I use hg locally to get the po file? Rasther :) glezos vpv: Yes, or through the link "web frontend" from each module vpv ok, anyway, looks nice :) marek :) glezos Revisor: http://git.fedoraproject.org/?p=hosted/revisor;a=tree glezos Smolt: http://hg.fedoraproject.org/hg/hosted/smolt?cmd=manifest;manifest=d49fa43580... marek glezos: there's no way to take the PO through transfix? kanarip glezos, a question of technical nature, does transifex also update configure.ac "ALL_LINGUAS" setting if languages are added? glezos marek: not currently. A goal was to duplicate Damned Lies as less as possible glezos kanarip: no. LINGUAS should be a manual setting. Some modules for example require 90% to enable a language, etc. kanarip alright glezos kanarip, loupgaroublond: If you'd like a more strict or loose file filter (now it's `.*/po/.*`, just let me know) kanarip can you exclude po/Makefile.in.in? kanarip po/POTFILES.in too kanarip basically any .in files ;-) glezos I *still* don't feel comfortable with the git commands we're using... eg: https://hosted.fedoraproject.org/projects/transifex/browser/transifex/model.... * Rasther committed a PO for Revisor glezos so any advice from git gurus for 1) cleanly update 2) cleanly commit/push, are welcome * overholt (i=andrew@nat/redhat-ca/x-2facf683c76a9329) has left #fedora-meeting ("Leaving") glezos So, in a few days I believe we'll be ready to move it on translate.fpo, unless mmcgrath knows of any blockers to that glezos another TODO is to build some more admin forms for editing repos/modules and monitoring of various stuff (most importantly, errors) glezos If everything goes OK, at some point I'll arrange a presentation glezos to make sure everyone is comfortable with the tool * svahl has quit ("Ex-Chat") glezos ok. I guess that's it from transifex. Any comments? kanarip yeah if you need any help with GIT, i'm your man * loupgaroublond can't login * tibbs|h (n=tibbs@fedora/tibbs) has joined #fedora-meeting loupgaroublond oh, never mind glezos loupgaroublond: are you on cvsl10n? * couf committed succesfully loupgaroublond it says login, even though i am already logged in loupgaroublond glezos, probably not glezos loupgaroublond: great then. :) glezos loupgaroublond: I wanted someone outside of cvsl10n to test if they get that link loupgaroublond *cough*pad has a feature where you can suggest a translation for translators to review, will this ever happen? glezos loupgaroublond: If we find a way to integrate to our existing translation workflow an online translation tool (see pootle for example), I don't see any reason not to. loupgaroublond cool :) glezos I think I'm mostly done with this: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SummerOfCode/2007/DimitrisGlezos/Notes * couf has quit ("leaving") glezos I'd like to have put it in use earlier, but we needed to keep a close attention to the security issues glezos thanks to ricky for some help on that glezos anyway. * glezos has changed the topic to: Fedora Localization Group meeting -- Agenda: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/L10N/Meetings -- Open floor glezos Any other topics we need to discuss? GeroldKa ! loupgaroublond how are web apps l10n? smolt uses the same repo for the client and server glezos GeroldKa: fire away GeroldKa glezos, I meet some days ago a friend of mine ... GeroldKa he's willing to help with translations GeroldKa would somebody please be so kind to contact him and help him to get the legal stuff done? glezos GeroldKa: you can point him at http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/L10N/Join glezos and ask him to contact the german team directly: http://translate.fedoraproject.org/teams/de GeroldKa he asked me to have somebody who'll help him GeroldKa his email-adress is bernhard@kliemchen.org GeroldKa would you please so kind and contact him? glezos I believe it would be best if someone from the German team (like Fabian for example) would do it GeroldKa ok GeroldKa thank you * ClausReheis (n=ClausReh@fedora/ClausReheis) has joined #fedora-meeting GeroldKa I'll contact Fabian directly glezos GeroldKa: cool * tibbs_ has quit (Success) glezos loupgaroublond: sorry, I didn't understand the Q loupgaroublond glezos, class is almost over, so i have to run, i'll ask again later glezos okie glezos anyone else has anything to add/comment? * tibbs_ (n=tibbs@fedora/tibbs) has joined #fedora-meeting * tibbs|h has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) glezos okey glezos I think we should consider having bi-weekly meetings from now glezos More people might attend and we'll have more stuff to spend the hour constructively with marek +1 vpv yeah, might be a good idea vpv although, the translation freeze is in what, 9 days? so should we have a meeting next week just to be sure? glezos vpv: 25 September 2007 - F8 translation freeze glezos OK, let's have another meeting next week then glezos I'm +1 for that glezos I'll send an email to the list marek ok glezos If there isn't anything else, "calling it a meeting" in 30 vpv I'm not saying we need to spend the whole hour, I was just thinking that if someone has questions about the new stuff, they could come here and ask... glezos vpv: right vpv of course the list is usable as well * G (n=njones@wikipedia/NigelJ) has joined #fedora-meeting glezos OK, see you in one week then if not on #fedora-l10n