To grab a picture clearer myself, I have categorized the modules for FC by studying the following three urls. I hope that I could list up ALL modules. They are moving from one category to another along to Demitris team's effort as well the package maintainers' decision. So this is just snapshot as at 21-Sep.
We can translate the groups of "Available Now at Transifex" and "Available at Elvis".
Please correct me when you find any wrong information.
[URLs] http://translate.fedoraproject.org/module/ http://elvis.redhat.com/cgi-bin/i18n-status http://publictest5.fedora.redhat.com/submit/module/
[Available Now at Transifex (moved to fedoraproject.org)] - comps - hwbrowser - im-chooser - revisor - rhpxl - smolt - system-config-date - system-config-httpd - system-config-nfs - system-config-samba - system-config-services - system-config-users
[Available at Elvis (no move, same as beofre)] - anaconda - authconfig - autorun - chkconfig - desc - firstboot - initsripts - kexec-tools - kudzu - libuser - libvirt - passwd - pirut - policycoreutil - pykickstart - redhat-network - redhat-backgrounds - redhat-config-cluster - redhat-menus - rhgb - rhn-applet - rhn-client-tool - rhnsd - rhpl - setup - summary - switchdesk - system-config-bind - system-config-boot - system-config-firewall - system-config-kdump - system-config-keyboard - system-config-kickstart - system-config-language - system-config-lvm - system-config-netboot - system-config-network - system-config-rootpassword - system-config-securitylevel - system-config-soundcard - system-config-switch-mail - usermode - yum-rhn-plugin (3 modules of comps, setroubleshoot and smolt have been moved to fedoraproject.org)
[Not available Yet at Transifex (moved to fedoraproject.org)] - desktop-effects (git) - readahead (git) - setroubleshoot (hg) - system-config-printer (svn) - virt-manager (hg)
cheers noriko
Noriko Mizumoto schrieb:
To grab a picture clearer myself, I have categorized the modules for FC by studying the following three urls. I hope that I could list up ALL modules. They are moving from one category to another along to Demitris team's effort as well the package maintainers' decision. So this is just snapshot as at 21-Sep.
thanks for the clearer view. I'm new in the translation "business", and now i know, what modules i can translate to German.
@Noriko: The links helped me a lot, thank you.