Hi! I have done some test-work on printconf package with Polish translation. When I added the po.pl and then tried to commit all I got was: --- #> cd printconf/po/ #> cvs add po.pl #> cvs ci -m "some comments" Testing pl.po... **** Access allowed: blasiu is in ACL for printconf/po. cvs server: failed to move `/usr/local/CVS/printconf/po/Attic/pl.po,v' out of the attic: Permission denied --- Please help, anyone?
Regards, blasiu@akron.wroc.pl
On Wed, 2004-04-14 at 19:38, Przemek Błaśkiewicz wrote:
Hi! I have done some test-work on printconf package with Polish translation. When I added the po.pl and then tried to commit all I got was:
#> cd printconf/po/ #> cvs add po.pl
It is just that you added the wrong file, it should be "pl.po" instead of "po.pl".
#> cvs ci -m "some comments" Testing pl.po... **** Access allowed: blasiu is in ACL for printconf/po. cvs server: failed to move `/usr/local/CVS/printconf/po/Attic/pl.po,v' out of the attic: Permission denied
Please help, anyone?
Regards, blasiu@akron.wroc.pl
Przemek Błaśkiewicz (blasiu@akron.wroc.pl) said:
#> cvs ci -m "some comments" Testing pl.po... **** Access allowed: blasiu is in ACL for printconf/po. cvs server: failed to move `/usr/local/CVS/printconf/po/Attic/pl.po,v' out of the attic: Permission denied
Hm, try now.
I have done some test-work on printconf package with Polish translation. When I added the po.pl and then tried to commit all I got was:
#> cd printconf/po/ #> cvs add po.pl
It is just that you added the wrong file, it should be "pl.po" instead of "po.pl".
at first i thought 'can there be anyone more stupid than I?' but then i checked it and i DID give the proper 'pl.po', just in the e-mail I got it misspelled. still the problem remains, what is that misterious 'Attic/'?
#> cvs ci -m "some comments" Testing pl.po... **** Access allowed: blasiu is in ACL for printconf/po. cvs server: failed to move `/usr/local/CVS/printconf/po/Attic/pl.po,v' out of the attic: Permission denied
A liitle late, but thanks Bill for your effort. Unfortunately I still get the same message. Could you do some magic once again? :]
regards, Przemek
On Wed, 14 Apr 2004 14:40:29 -0400, Bill Nottingham notting@redhat.com wrote:
#> cvs ci -m "some comments" Testing pl.po... **** Access allowed: blasiu is in ACL for printconf/po. cvs server: failed to move `/usr/local/CVS/printconf/po/Attic/pl.po,v' out of the attic: Permission denied
Hm, try now.
Now it works perfectly, I knew you'd do some magic :]
Thanks, Przemek
On Wed, 14 Apr 2004 14:40:29 -0400, Bill Nottingham notting@redhat.com wrote:
#> cvs ci -m "some comments" Testing pl.po... **** Access allowed: blasiu is in ACL for printconf/po. cvs server: failed to move `/usr/local/CVS/printconf/po/Attic/pl.po,v' out of the attic: Permission denied
Hm, try now.