On 04/14/2015 09:12 AM, Luigi Toscano wrote:
On Tuesday 14 of April 2015 17:02:56 Eli Wapniarski wrote:
In Plasma 5... Where haveall the screensavers gone????
They would be screen lockers, and probably waiting for people to rewrite them using the new infrastructure. See here (all comments) for some background: https://plus.google.com/+SasaRakezic/posts/bcyNtUwHZBq https://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=289&t=124413
That's just lame. Because screensavers don't fulfill a useful function, they should be consigned to an ignominious death? Let's do the same with all music, art, and literature! Nothing frivolous shall remain! We must all be serious, very serious!