As the final bugs of modularity in EPEL 8 get worked out, I'm working
on the plan for the kde modules. Right now, I'm leaning towards a
great big kde module with all the kde packages in it. There would be
two streams. rawhide and stable.
rawhide would follow the fedora master dist-git branch. It would get
updated at least once a month, or faster. No quicker than ever two
weeks, because that's how long it takes for things to go through
bodhi. I'm leaning towards once a month.
stable would follow the stable Fxx branch, and get updated every three
months, or when security and/or major bugs happen.
The modules would have *all* the qt5 packages in them, including those
that are in RHEL8. Because of this, we will not be able to mark them
as "default". People will have to enable them to use them.
I am currently working my way through all the packages, making sure
they build and making fixes in rawhide/master when they don't. I
think there should only be about 15 to 20 packages that need tweaking.
Thoughts and/or comments?
Troy Dawson