On Monday 28 February 2011 14:57:35 Timothy Murphy wrote:
Anne Wilson wrote:
Just a reminder that the call for nominations closes in a few days. http://neverendingo.blogspot.com/2011/02/cwg-call-for-nominations.html
As one who has been helped several times by Anne Wilson, I was interested to hear of the KDE CWG, and in particular to discover http://userbase.kde.org/Tutorials, which seems like a mine of useful and practical information.
I was a bit surprised at the emphasis on the Code of Conduct in http://ev.kde.org/workinggroups/cwg.php, as I would have thought KDE enthusiasts were more or less incapable of uttering an injurious word to each other.
Hehe - we are not saints! Disagreements can happen, and people under stress can start flame wars. It doesn't make them bad people, but they may need help to look dispassionately at the point at issue. There are more positive things, too. Sometimes developers ask for help in other ways. For instance I was asked by one developer if I could find two or three non-tech users to test a specific feature in his application. I can't deny, though, that on the rare occasions when disagreements happen helping resolve them can be very tiring.
The CWG enterprise seems to me an excellent idea; I wish there was something similar for Fedora.
I didn't really understand the reference to community-wg@kde.org as a mailing-list, since there does not appear to be any archive of postings to this list, or indeed any way of subscribing to the list.
There isn't any way, and there is no archive. That's because it is the place that you can write to as a first contact if you have a problem that you want to discuss. It needs to be private, you see, so that people feel they can say things that they wouldn't want to be publicly visible. The CWG members take privacy very seriously.
I hope this helps you understand a little more :-) and thanks for asking the questions.