Hi there,
I upgraded from F22 to F23 and know fighting with some nasty issues that really affecting the daily work. I hope you can help with it.
1. I am trying to restore the thumbnails / preview for videos in KDE 5. Not sure how it is supposed to work as some sources in the net says that installing "ffmpegthumbnailer" would be fine enough for them. However, nothing appears in the dolphin preview setting allowing to activate the thumbs. This situation was very similiar with F22 already, however I managed to rebuild "kffmpegthumbnailer" and it fixed the issue for me (see also https://bugzilla.rpmfusion.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3719). When trying to use this package, it will appear in preview, but seems to be broken.
So anyone manage to get video thumbs in dolphin running and can give a hint what might be missing here?
2. The option "Extract here" in dolphin seems to be missing. I noticed that the package "ark" does provide the following files: /usr/share/kde4/services/ServiceMenus/ark_addtoservicemenu.desktop
/usr/share/kde4/services/ServiceMenus/ark_servicemenu.desktop However it seems like these files are not evaluated by F23 KDE5 anymore and thus not working. I tried to fix this by symbolic linking it to ~/.local/share/kservices5/ServiceMenus, but still not being added. And yes, kbuildsyscoca was performed multiple times. Anyone and idea why these options does not appear in the context menu?
Many thanks for your help! Florian