I'm on 4.2 beta2, and my problem is that my laptop's LCD never powers off !
It goes black, but the backlight is always on. I have removed kpowersave,
which I used to use previously, and now using powerdevil. It simply doesn't
turn off. The VGA card is nVidia, and `xset q` returns
DPMS (Energy Star):
Standby: 0 Suspend: 0 Off: 0
DPMS is Enabled
Monitor is On
Using, `xset dpms force off` does power off correctly. In fact, using
qdbus org.kde.powerdevilsystem /modules/powerdevil
also does power off correctly. So powerdevil is able to power off the screen
if it wants to .. then why is it not doing that ?! How do I even start
debugging this .. It is very annoying, as it's burning off hours from the
LCD's lifetime. Any tips are welcome