well, suversion 1.7 was not pushed until now and that is why i think it's a good moment for my questions:
as far as i can see there are different maintainers for "subversion" and "kdesvn", upgrade to subversion 1.7 (including svn upgrade in the working-dir) works fine
but with subversion 1.7 the format in teh working directory is changed and the kde-kontextmenu will no longer offer display of history and missing some other entries http://subversion.apache.org/docs/release-notes/1.7.html#wc-ng
i guess "kdesvn" should be updated too and i try to point this out before pushing updates to stable
subversion: http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/packageinfo?packageID=752
kdesvn: http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/packageinfo?packageID=2200