Quoting conversation from kde@mail.kde.org:
On Saturday 31 January 2009, Anne Wilson wrote:
Time to explore Nepomuk/Strigi, I thought. However, I see:
Failed to contact Strigi indexer (No such method 'curre... at object path '/nepomukstritiservice' (signature ''))
Bug, or something I need to do before using strigi?
My interpretation of the output is that the strigi service was reachable, i.,e. started correctly, but didn't respond as expected (i.e. not having the desired method available).
Probably a version mismatch between the caller (Nepomuk?) and the service.
Cheers, Kevin
After today's updates that message has disappeared, but although I have checked Enable Strigi Desktop File Indexer I still see 'Strigi service not running'. Have I missed something?