As someone with more UX skills than artwork skills I'm not really seeing the UX requests from applications coming through our ticket system (and I'm not on IRC to be honest).
I've been mostly inactive but listening for some time now. Did I miss some key requests? The trac list [1] shows very few of these kinds of requests.
I think the planned FAD, where the team identifies the key services we perform and where we track requests and current work will help clarify things a lot. As someone who can only attend in a remote manner I hope that is set up (I added my name to the wiki page as a remote attendee).
Elad I'm not chiming in because I'm not seeing the conversations - are they happening on IRC?
On 08/23/2014 03:03 AM, Elad Alfassa wrote:
Regarding the position of the design team in Fedora.Next, I think the design team should be and is still relevant.
There are a lot of apps we have in the distribution (some of them are installed by default in Workstation) that could use some UX attention, there's our website redesign which needs feedback, mockups and discussion, we still need artwork for the installer sidebar, etc etc.
So in addition to the design team having a lot of tasks right now, I hope that in the future we will see Fedora more design-lead and less feature-lead.
Speaking as someone who's working on Workstation these days, I would like it if UX designers from here would chime in more frequently on Workstation related discussion.