If you are new to the Fedora design team and would like a task to work on and get your feet wet here, this ticket is a good one:
Let me know if you'd like to work on it. We basically need a design to commemorate the 15th anniversary of Fedora that would be suitable for printing out in color on US Letter sized paper for a stand-up sign. I can provide you the logo artwork to work with.
Hi everybody,
Here's the minutes from today's meeting:
The main topics were:
- the F30 wallpaper, which sam08 is going to take a stab at rendering in Blender this weekend and check back in next week
- ticket triage. We talked about a few tickets including the Fedora logo redesign. I am going to make a new blog post on the progress there this week.
Also as a note, the channel mode has been set to silence anyone who isn't registered and identified with nickserv because of spam this past summer; I've turned that off in hopes of alleviating some of the issues folks have had with the channel. I still think there are issues with matrix.org connections to freenode so I'm going to try to look into that too.
Hi folks!
Don't want to pile up another email for you to read, so I'll leave the
explanation story aside.
I'm sorry about my 'Signal' message earlier.
That wasn't intended.
I'll be extra careful next time!