Don't worry Catalin, the birds issue is new to me and all help I can get is awesome :)
I will use this images today(maybe 'till weekend) to see what I can get. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_K-PIF9CySVw/S63nvfYlW8I/AAAAAAAABX0/R7iuuH-eX7c/s1... http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_K-PIF9CySVw/S63nvfYlW8I/AAAAAAAABX0/R7iuuH-eX7c/s1600/Musicales+y+Ruise%C3%B1ores.+023.jpg http://estaticos.20minutos.es/img/2009/06/19/973667.jpg?v=20090619124744 http://estaticos.20minutos.es/img/2009/06/19/973667.jpg?v=20090619124744 http://www.fotonatura.org/galerias/fotos/usr18016/12310115GB.jpg
http://www.fotonatura.org/galerias/fotos/usr18016/12310115GB.jpgI really want to try something more realistic for this wallpaper using as base the Emichan ideas. I'm up to really push the F15 wallpaper into a surrealism trying to make something like F6, F8 or even F10 designs but based on vectors.
I know is a challenge... but we need to try :)
See ya!