Hi guys. As you might remember, I was working on updating the brand guidelines to be more comprehensive of all of the different trademarks Fedora uses (or have been ever since I started working on the draft page[1]). Turns out college is a *huge* timesuck and I need to start working on offloading projects.
What I need is someone to step up and help complete the work on the brand guidelines draft page to a point where we can get an OK from the board and Legal, as well as help draft up changes to the trademark guidelines page[2] as necessary. Most of the work on the SVGs themselves has already been done, so it's just a matter of translating those guidelines into words.
I'll still be involved in the process. I'll still be running the logo@fedoraproject.org queue (someone within Red Hat has to do this) and I can help be a liaison between Red Hat's trademark people and the community.
I'll be asking for help at some point in the meeting tomorrow (Mo, can I get a bullet point in the agenda?), but if you're interested and can't make the meeting, reply to this on-list.
This is a significantly larger endeavor than the semi-bi-weekly design team bounty, so if you help out, I will make sure something awesome happens. :)