Please take out an hour this Saturday, January 18, for an APAC meeting at 0400 UTC[1] on #fedora-meeting on Freenode.
The agenda, as usual, is to discuss whatever trac tickets there are[2]. If you intend to file a reimbursement request, please do it ASAP and mark it with the "meeting" keyword.
Aside from the trac tickets, we intend to discuss the FUDCon bid that the China team has made[3][4]. The China team will be more than happy to listen to whatever feedback you have to give.
I hope to see you there. Please forward this reminder to your regional mailing lists.
[1] http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?year=2014&month=01&...
[2] https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-apac/report/9 [3] https://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/fudcon-planning/2014-January/00476... [4] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Bid_for_Beijing_2014
A quick reminder for today's meeting. I should hopefully be able to make it. I might be traveling around the time, though. Details below:
On Mon, 2014-01-13 at 23:56 +1100, Ankur Sinha wrote:
Please take out an hour this Saturday, January 18, for an APAC meeting at 0400 UTC[1] on #fedora-meeting on Freenode.
The agenda, as usual, is to discuss whatever trac tickets there are[2]. If you intend to file a reimbursement request, please do it ASAP and mark it with the "meeting" keyword.
Aside from the trac tickets, we intend to discuss the FUDCon bid that the China team has made[3][4]. The China team will be more than happy to listen to whatever feedback you have to give.
I hope to see you there. Please forward this reminder to your regional mailing lists.
[1] http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?year=2014&month=01&...
[2] https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-apac/report/9 [3] https://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/fudcon-planning/2014-January/00476... [4] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Bid_for_Beijing_2014