I've created a new basic layout for the cd: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/FeatureFedoraKDE/KDELiveCD The size on todays rawhide is about 667 MB. Please tell me which package should be added or removed.
On todays KDE-SIG-Meeting Rex Dieter and Kevin Kofler suggested to give the local communities the ability to create their own localized cds easily. To do this there should be an extra configuration file for each language which adds the needed packages and do some configurations. And also the additional language must fit on one cd. A second option for localized versions could (or should?) be a live-dvd with all available language packages. livecd-creator in git seems to be able to do this (but I haven't checked this yet). [1]
I've created a first draft for an configuration for the german language. This adds kde-i18n-de and koffice-langpack-de to the cd. Also the standard keyboard layout, the local timezone and the locale is changed. To change the keyboard layout inside kde I've used an ugly workaround.[2] If anybody knows a better way, please tell me. :) Compared to the version above this one needs ~675 MB.
To create the configuration files for different languages I need some informations from one person that uses the language: 1. /etc/sysconfig/i18n 2. /etc/sysconfig/keyboard 3. /etc/sysconfig/clock 4. keybordtype from "system-config-keyboard --help" 5. needed additional packages (eg. scim-* or fonts-*)
And of course all are invited to discuss this. :)
[1] http://git.fedoraproject.org/?p=hosted/livecd [2] http://www.deadbabylon.de/fedora/livecd/source/50-fedora-livecd-kde-german.c...
How to create the live cd:
Install livecd-tools:
wget "http://people.redhat.com/~katzj/live/f7test2/livecd-tools-001-3.fc7.i386.rpm" rpm -ivh livecd-tools-001-3.fc7.i386.rpm
Create the spin:
livecd-creator \ --repo=c7,http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/core/development/i386/os/... \ --repo=e7,http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/extras/development/i386/ \ --repo=lcd7,http://www.deadbabylon.de/fedora/livecd/i386/ \ --package=fedora-livecd-kde \ --fslabel=Fedora-7-Test2-KDE
To create the german version:
livecd-creator \ --repo=c7,http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/core/development/i386/os/... \ --repo=e7,http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/extras/development/i386/ \ --repo=lcd7,http://www.deadbabylon.de/fedora/livecd/i386/ \ --package=fedora-livecd-kde-german \ --fslabel=Fedora-7-Test2-KDE-German
Am Wed, 14 Mar 2007 01:10:00 +0100 schrieb Sebastian Vahl ml@deadbabylon.de:
I've created a new basic layout for the cd: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/FeatureFedoraKDE/KDELiveCD The size on todays rawhide is about 667 MB. Please tell me which package should be added or removed.
On todays KDE-SIG-Meeting Rex Dieter and Kevin Kofler suggested to give the local communities the ability to create their own localized cds easily. To do this there should be an extra configuration file for each language which adds the needed packages and do some configurations. And also the additional language must fit on one cd. A second option for localized versions could (or should?) be a live-dvd with all available language packages. livecd-creator in git seems to be able to do this (but I haven't checked this yet). [1]
I've created a first draft for an configuration for the german language. This adds kde-i18n-de and koffice-langpack-de to the cd. Also the standard keyboard layout, the local timezone and the locale is changed. To change the keyboard layout inside kde I've used an ugly workaround.[2] If anybody knows a better way, please tell me. :) Compared to the version above this one needs ~675 MB.
To create the configuration files for different languages I need some informations from one person that uses the language:
- /etc/sysconfig/i18n
- /etc/sysconfig/keyboard
- /etc/sysconfig/clock
- keybordtype from "system-config-keyboard --help"
- needed additional packages (eg. scim-* or fonts-*)
And of course all are invited to discuss this. :)
[1] http://git.fedoraproject.org/?p=hosted/livecd [2] http://www.deadbabylon.de/fedora/livecd/source/50-fedora-livecd-kde-german.c...
How to create the live cd:
Install livecd-tools:
wget "http://people.redhat.com/~katzj/live/f7test2/livecd-tools-001-3.fc7.i386.rpm" rpm -ivh livecd-tools-001-3.fc7.i386.rpm
Create the spin:
livecd-creator \ --repo=c7,http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/core/development/i386/os/... \ --repo=e7,http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/extras/development/i386/ \ --repo=lcd7,http://www.deadbabylon.de/fedora/livecd/i386/ \ --package=fedora-livecd-kde \ --fslabel=Fedora-7-Test2-KDE
To create the german version:
livecd-creator \ --repo=c7,http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/core/development/i386/os/... \ --repo=e7,http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/extras/development/i386/ \ --repo=lcd7,http://www.deadbabylon.de/fedora/livecd/i386/ \ --package=fedora-livecd-kde-german \ --fslabel=Fedora-7-Test2-KDE-German
It seems it was a little bit late yesterday evening. Some corrections:
1. added system-config-display to 20-fedora-livecd-kde.conf (used to setup X) 2. workaround for keyboardtype in kde works now 3. removed krusader to free some space for localizations (new size of basic layout is about 657 MB). 4. included 30-fedora-livecd-kde-dvd.conf is just a draft and not testet yet.
RPMs and wiki are updated.
Sebastian Vahl wrote:
I've created a new basic layout for the cd: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/FeatureFedoraKDE/KDELiveCD The size on todays rawhide is about 667 MB. Please tell me which package should be added or removed.
On todays KDE-SIG-Meeting Rex Dieter and Kevin Kofler suggested to give the local communities the ability to create their own localized cds easily. To do this there should be an extra configuration file for each language which adds the needed packages and do some configurations. And also the additional language must fit on one cd. A second option for localized versions could (or should?) be a live-dvd with all available language packages. livecd-creator in git seems to be able to do this (but I haven't checked this yet). [1]
I've created a first draft for an configuration for the german language. This adds kde-i18n-de and koffice-langpack-de to the cd. Also the standard keyboard layout, the local timezone and the locale is changed. To change the keyboard layout inside kde I've used an ugly workaround.[2] If anybody knows a better way, please tell me. :) Compared to the version above this one needs ~675 MB.
To create the configuration files for different languages I need some informations from one person that uses the language:
- /etc/sysconfig/i18n
- /etc/sysconfig/keyboard
- /etc/sysconfig/clock
- keybordtype from "system-config-keyboard --help"
- needed additional packages (eg. scim-* or fonts-*)
And of course all are invited to discuss this. :)
[1] http://git.fedoraproject.org/?p=hosted/livecd [2] http://www.deadbabylon.de/fedora/livecd/source/50-fedora-livecd-kde-german.c...
How to create the live cd:
Install livecd-tools:
wget "http://people.redhat.com/~katzj/live/f7test2/livecd-tools-001-3.fc7.i386.rpm" rpm -ivh livecd-tools-001-3.fc7.i386.rpm
Create the spin:
livecd-creator \ --repo=c7,http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/core/development/i386/os/... \ --repo=e7,http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/extras/development/i386/ \ --repo=lcd7,http://www.deadbabylon.de/fedora/livecd/i386/ \ --package=fedora-livecd-kde \ --fslabel=Fedora-7-Test2-KDE
This results in the error:
Cannot open/read repomd.xml file for repositry:lcdr_c7 Error installing packages Error during installation
How to create the live cd:
Install livecd-tools:
wget "http://people.redhat.com/~katzj/live/f7test2/livecd-tools-001-3.fc7.i386 .rpm" rpm -ivh livecd-tools-001-3.fc7.i386.rpm
Create the spin:
livecd-creator \ --repo=c7,http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/core/develop ment/i386/os/Fedora/RPMS/ \ --repo=e7,http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/extras/devel opment/i386/ \ --repo=lcd7,http://www.deadbabylon.de/fedora/livecd/i386/ \ --package=fedora-livecd-kde \ --fslabel=Fedora-7-Test2-KDE
This results in the error:
Cannot open/read repomd.xml file for repositry:lcdr_c7 Error installing packages Error during installation
My mistake. Wrong url for [development]. Please use:
livecd-creator \ --repo=c7,http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/core/development/i386/os/ \ --repo=e7,http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/extras/development/i386/ \ --repo=lcd7,http://www.deadbabylon.de/fedora/livecd/i386/ \ --package=fedora-livecd-kde \ --fslabel=Fedora-7-Test2-KDE
Sebastian Vahl wrote:
My mistake. Wrong url for [development]. Please use:
livecd-creator \ --repo=c7,http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/core/development/i386/os/ \ --repo=e7,http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/extras/development/i386/ \ --repo=lcd7,http://www.deadbabylon.de/fedora/livecd/i386/ \ --package=fedora-livecd-kde \ --fslabel=Fedora-7-Test2-KDE
Got it already since I watch all the wiki edits. I am rerunning with this set of arguments. Report back later. It would be useful if you can put in a sample output (it is reassuring to know that the output you are getting is expected) and explicitly mention that you need to be running as root user and how long it would take on specific system configurations.
Am Montag, 19. März 2007 schrieb Rahul Sundaram:
Sebastian Vahl wrote:
My mistake. Wrong url for [development]. Please use:
livecd-creator \ --repo=c7,http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/core/develop ment/i386/os/ \ --repo=e7,http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/extras/devel opment/i386/ \ --repo=lcd7,http://www.deadbabylon.de/fedora/livecd/i386/ \ --package=fedora-livecd-kde \ --fslabel=Fedora-7-Test2-KDE
Got it already since I watch all the wiki edits. I am rerunning with this set of arguments. Report back later. It would be useful if you can put in a sample output (it is reassuring to know that the output you are getting is expected) and explicitly mention that you need to be running as root user and how long it would take on specific system configurations.
OK. Will do this tomorrow. For now: On my machine (Athlon XP 2400+, 1GB Ram) it takes 30-45 min for one run (normal load). And the expected result is that livecd-creator creates an iso. ;) Normally it fails on errors (except eg. non-signed packages). Some minor note: I have to stick to udev-105 to get a bootable iso. With udev-106 I get the same problem like many people with F7T1 and F7T2 (again) [1]. Already reported this to fedora-livecd-list but nobody answered yet. So this is probably a local problem.
[1] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=227734
Sebastian Vahl wrote:
Am Montag, 19. März 2007 schrieb Rahul Sundaram:
Sebastian Vahl wrote:
My mistake. Wrong url for [development]. Please use:
livecd-creator \ --repo=c7,http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/core/develop ment/i386/os/ \ --repo=e7,http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/extras/devel opment/i386/ \ --repo=lcd7,http://www.deadbabylon.de/fedora/livecd/i386/ \ --package=fedora-livecd-kde \ --fslabel=Fedora-7-Test2-KDE
Got it already since I watch all the wiki edits. I am rerunning with this set of arguments. Report back later. It would be useful if you can put in a sample output (it is reassuring to know that the output you are getting is expected) and explicitly mention that you need to be running as root user and how long it would take on specific system configurations.
OK. Will do this tomorrow. For now: On my machine (Athlon XP 2400+, 1GB Ram) it takes 30-45 min for one run (normal load). And the expected result is that livecd-creator creates an iso. ;) Normally it fails on errors (except eg. non-signed packages). Some minor note: I have to stick to udev-105 to get a bootable iso. With udev-106 I get the same problem like many people with F7T1 and F7T2 (again) [1]. Already reported this to fedora-livecd-list but nobody answered yet. So this is probably a local problem.
[1] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=227734
It produced a 650 MB KDE ISO image. Booting it on qemu fails with the same error message as described in the above bug report. I am not sure which udev it downloaded. Are the packages downloaded saved anywhere?
Sebastian Vahl wrote:
I've created a new basic layout for the cd: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/FeatureFedoraKDE/KDELiveCD The size on todays rawhide is about 667 MB. Please tell me which package should be added or removed.
Just found today you should add xine-lib-extras to the pkglist (for arts support).
Hrm, in the meantime, will ping xine-lib maintainer to see if we can come up with something better/easier that doesn't pull in a whole bunch of other/extraneous deps.
-- Rex
Sebastian Vahl wrote:
I've created a new basic layout for the cd: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/FeatureFedoraKDE/KDELiveCD The size on todays rawhide is about 667 MB. Please tell me which package should be added or removed.
Playing a bit with the F7-test3-KDE-Live, here are some suggestions to consider: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/RexDieter/F7t3-kde-trim-the-fat
-- Rex
Am Thu, 29 Mar 2007 08:02:49 -0500 schrieb Rex Dieter rdieter@math.unl.edu:
Sebastian Vahl wrote:
I've created a new basic layout for the cd: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/FeatureFedoraKDE/KDELiveCD The size on todays rawhide is about 667 MB. Please tell me which package should be added or removed.
Playing a bit with the F7-test3-KDE-Live, here are some suggestions to consider: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/RexDieter/F7t3-kde-trim-the-fat
If I haven't missed something all of the mentioned gnome-ish bits are dependencies or dependencies of a dependency from anaconda. And anaconda is used for harddisk installation. So If we don't find another way for installation (and I don't think that we should drop this one and fall out with the gnome-cd in this point) we have to live with it.
krita, scribus and kdeartwork-extras could be excluded. IMO. twinkle could be a kde-alternative fo ekiga. But not sure, never used it.
Sebastian Vahl wrote:
Am Thu, 29 Mar 2007 08:02:49 -0500 schrieb Rex Dieter rdieter@math.unl.edu:
Sebastian Vahl wrote:
I've created a new basic layout for the cd: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/FeatureFedoraKDE/KDELiveCD The size on todays rawhide is about 667 MB. Please tell me which package should be added or removed.
Playing a bit with the F7-test3-KDE-Live, here are some suggestions to consider: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/RexDieter/F7t3-kde-trim-the-fat
If I haven't missed something all of the mentioned gnome-ish bits are dependencies or dependencies of a dependency from anaconda.
I don't think so, I checked already trying(1) to remove most of those packages (and they didn't touch anaconda).
-- Rex
(1) sucessfully, in most cases without odd deps, as noted by ?'s.
On Thu, 2007-03-29 at 12:46 -0500, Rex Dieter wrote:
Sebastian Vahl wrote:
Am Thu, 29 Mar 2007 08:02:49 -0500 schrieb Rex Dieter rdieter@math.unl.edu:
Sebastian Vahl wrote:
I've created a new basic layout for the cd: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/FeatureFedoraKDE/KDELiveCD The size on todays rawhide is about 667 MB. Please tell me which package should be added or removed.
Playing a bit with the F7-test3-KDE-Live, here are some suggestions to consider: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/RexDieter/F7t3-kde-trim-the-fat
If I haven't missed something all of the mentioned gnome-ish bits are dependencies or dependencies of a dependency from anaconda.
I don't think so, I checked already trying(1) to remove most of those packages (and they didn't touch anaconda).
A shocking amount comes due to pirut requiring gnome-session for the /etc/xdg/autostart directory. I'm unraveling that and putting the directory in the filesystem package.