Dear All,
We very glad about a workshop conducted at CIT (Chartered Institute of Technology, Aburoad, Rajasthan).
Great overwhelming respond from the slight remote place.
Although this is only a second year of the Institute excellent enthusiasm and interest shown by All student.
We are invited by Mr. Shivram Faculty at CIT.
At the first and Initial communication Mr. Shivram was not confident that this kind of "Free" workshop get any success or not.
We went there for checking the lab before two days of event and tested few things to avoid any surprises at the time of event.
Mr. Shivram want this workshop span for 3 days. (Friday Saturday and Sunday)
We, Electromech team started at 7:30 from Ahmedabad, Gujarat, includes members Mr. Sham, Mr. Karan, Mr. Vimal (Rajkot).
We reached slightly late due to heavy traffic.
We started introduction session around 11:30 AM.
Conducted two small quiz to check the knowledge among the student so we can conduct training accordingly.
Unfortunate I left due to my busy schedule after lunch.
Mr. Sham and our team again started after lunch with Fedora 13 installation.
There were 60 students divided into two class room. (visualized in photographs)
Each lab consist of 30 computers.
Everybody perform Fedora 13 installation and prepared the system.
Mr. Sham explained about RAID, LVM and some advance options at the time of installation.
The response was unexpected starting from first day, Students do not want to leave class room even at 7:30 PM.
Mr. Sham conducted the two more days workshop, supported by Mr. Vimal and Mr. Karan.
Thanks to Mr. Shivram and CIT, Aburoad for inviting us and excellent hospitality.
Our team delivered workshop for following topic.
Basic understanding of FSH Basic Linux permissions User management Package management YUM and RPM Network configuration and management. Partition and mounting concepts. Process Management.
Student had given excellent feed back, once we build chart from the same will published.
The photo graphs are available from below link.,com_phocagallery/Itemid ,66/id,9/view,category/
The effect of seminar is student want next level seminar within 2-3 month only. :)
Great workshop with good student and excellent environment.
Thanks and regards.