Hi folks,
Please find the logs from today's quick catch up below. We'll send out
another poll to find a time, and platform for the next meeting.
#fedora-india: Fedora India - 2021-04-16
Meeting started by FranciscoD at 10:00:02 UTC. The full logs are
available at
Meeting summary
* Agenda (FranciscoD, 10:00:48)
* Introductions and roll call (FranciscoD, 10:01:13)
* Community announcements (FranciscoD, 10:01:19)
* Tasks from last meeting (FranciscoD, 10:01:25)
* Open tickets (FranciscoD, 10:01:29)
* Next meeting time, day, chair (FranciscoD, 10:01:37)
* Open floor (FranciscoD, 10:01:39)
* Introductions and roll call (FranciscoD, 10:01:46)
* Community announcements (FranciscoD, 10:08:51)
* Cloud Test days are on going. Please read more here:
(FranciscoD, 10:09:25)
* The Fedora Programme Manager (bcotton) is looking to form a
Programme Management Team. Details:
(FranciscoD, 10:10:02)
* Online Fedora Release Party will be on April 30--May 1. Free
registration here:
(FranciscoD, 10:10:38)
* Fedora 34 is still "No-go". A few blockers being worked on:
(FranciscoD, 10:11:13)
* Fedora OUtreachy Social hour on Saturday at 1330 UTC in
#fedora-social-hour on Matrix.
(siddharthvipul, 10:12:57)
* Tasks from last meeting (FranciscoD, 10:17:15)
* Last meeting minutes are here:
(FranciscoD, 10:17:31)
* FranciscoD go over Welcome-to-Fedora tickets and ask Indians there
to join the Fedora India group + ml: DONE, but continues as more
tickets are filed (FranciscoD, 10:18:48)
* t0xic0der promote #fedora-india among Indian outreachy aspirants:
PENDING (FranciscoD, 10:19:29)
* ACTION: t0xic0der promote #fedora-india among Indian outreachy
aspirants (FranciscoD, 10:19:35)
* ACTION: siddharthvipul to investigate access to fedora-India twitter
(FranciscoD, 10:20:50)
* FranciscoD send out whenisgood for meeting on Monday morning: DONE
(FranciscoD, 10:21:19)
* Open tickets (FranciscoD, 10:21:34)
* Fedora India ticket tracker is here:
https://pagure.io/fedora-india/Fedora-India/issues (FranciscoD,
* No open tickets currently (FranciscoD, 10:22:06)
* Next meeting day, time, chair (FranciscoD, 10:22:21)
* ACTION: FranciscoD set up whenisgood for next meeting (FranciscoD,
* Open Floor (FranciscoD, 10:36:02)
* ACTION: FranciscoD send out logs (FranciscoD, 10:41:35)
Meeting ended at 10:41:37 UTC.
Action Items
* t0xic0der promote #fedora-india among Indian outreachy aspirants
* siddharthvipul to investigate access to fedora-India twitter
* FranciscoD set up whenisgood for next meeting
* FranciscoD send out logs
Action Items, by person
* FranciscoD
* FranciscoD set up whenisgood for next meeting
* FranciscoD send out logs
* siddharthvipul
* siddharthvipul to investigate access to fedora-India twitter
* t0xic0der promote #fedora-india among Indian outreachy aspirants
People Present (lines said)
* FranciscoD (94)
* siddharthvipul (27)
* zodbot (17)
* The_LoudSpeaker (12)
* AkarshanBiswas[m (5)
* MatrixTravelerb4 (0)
* Delta237 (0)
* samikshan (0)
* ykarel (0)
* kital (0)
* sudhir (0)
* t0xic0der[m] (0)
* dhanesh|m (0)
* vkoul (0)
* cyberjunkie_ (0)
* paragan (0)
* rparimi (0)
* rachitt_shah[m] (0)
* sankarsh` (0)
* ksinny (0)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot
Ankur Sinha "FranciscoD" (He / Him / His) | https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Ankursinha
Time zone: Europe/London
Hi folks,
Thanks for filling in the whenisgood. Our two options where most people
can make it (see the first attached image) seem to be:
- 1000 UTC/1530 IST on Friday
- 1100 UTC/1630 IST on Thursday
Since 1000 UTC is closer to the previous time, I suggest we continue to
use this time.
Ankur Sinha "FranciscoD" (He / Him / His) | https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Ankursinha
Time zone: Europe/London
Hi everyone,
Since we have quite a few new folks on the mailing list and channels, we
thought we should look to find a time that works for most people again.
Please fill in this whenisgood to mark *all* the slots that work for
you, for the one hour Fedora India meeting:
Please reply to this thread if you have any queries.
Ankur Sinha "FranciscoD" (He / Him / His) | https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Ankursinha
Time zone: Europe/London
Greetings folks!
We at Fedora India would be having our scheduled meeting at 3:30 PM IST on
#fedora-india on the IRC and @fedoraindia on Telegram.
All are welcome to join!