Hello folks,
We're excited to announce that CFP for PyCon India 2017 Dev Sprint is
now open.
Dev Sprints are a great way to get new contributors on-boarded for your
FOSS projects [1].
If you're seeking help for your project and willing to mentor new
contributors, please submit a proposal here [2].
Please mention the instructions to set-up working environment for your
project so that new contributors can start contributing right away on
the day of sprints.
[1] https://in.pycon.org/blog/2017/understanding-dev-sprints.html
[2] https://in.pycon.org/cfp/dev-sprint-2017/proposals/
Shashank Kumar
PyCon India 2017 Team
Hello folks,
We're excited to announce that CFP for PyCon India 2017 Dev Sprint is
now open.
Dev Sprints are a great way to get new contributors on-boarded for your
FOSS projects [1].
If you're seeking help for your project and willing to mentor new
contributors, please submit a proposal here [2].
Please mention the instructions to set-up working environment for your
project so that new contributors can start contributing right away on
the day of sprints.
[1] https://in.pycon.org/blog/2017/understanding-dev-sprints.html
[2] https://in.pycon.org/cfp/dev-sprint-2017/proposals/
Shashank Kumar
PyCon India 2017 Team
Not sure what the Bangalore Fedora Community has planned so far.
LG Joerg
Von meinem Samsung Gerät gesendet.
-------- Ursprüngliche Nachricht --------
Von: Navaneeth K Nair <naviknair(a)gmail.com>
Datum: 15.09.17 09:34 (GMT-08:00)
An: india(a)lists.fedoraproject.org
Betreff: [fedora-india] Re: Open Source India 2017
Do we have any chance to volunteer for this event
On Aug 30, 2017 8:11 PM, "Joerg Simon" <jsimon(a)fedoraproject.org> wrote:
Am 30.08.2017 um 13:15 schrieb sankarshan:
> On Wed, Aug 30, 2017 at 1:31 PM, Joerg Simon <jsimon(a)fedoraproject.org> wrote:
>> i just booked my flight to attend and speak at the Open Source India
>> 2017 - October 13-14.
>> I would be happy see the Indian Fedora Community and my indian friends
>> from the null community attending, if you can, please join me ;) - and
>> if not please spread the word!
> This is fantastic! I wonder if a meetup can be organized during one of
> the days you are here at BLR.
this would be so cool - sunday or monday after the conference would be a
good day for that ;)
Joerg (kital) Simon
Key Fingerprint:
3691 0989 2DCA 58A2 8D1F 2CAC C823 558E 5B5B 5688
Call trans opt: received. 2-19-98 13:24:18 REC:Loc
Trace program: running
wake up, Neo...
the matrix has you
follow the white rabbit.
knock, knock, Neo.
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`. ,'/ .'
`. X /.'
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, ` ' Q '
, , `._ \
,.| ' `-.;_'
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; ,''-,;' ``-
india mailing list -- india(a)lists.fedoraproject.org
To unsubscribe send an email to india-leave(a)lists.fedoraproject.org
Dear Fellows,
i just booked my flight to attend and speak at the Open Source India
2017 - October 13-14.
I would be happy see the Indian Fedora Community and my indian friends
from the null community attending, if you can, please join me ;) - and
if not please spread the word!
According to the planning i am invited to give a keynote and one
technical session.
The Keynote Topic will be an easy one - as my very first talk outside
Germany was in Bangalore at the Nimhans Convention Center in 2009 during
foss.in along with the Fedora Track Day - now 9 years later i will use
the opportunity to wrap up what happened since then with my activities
with Fedora, ISECOM and null - what we achieved and how it helped Open
Source and Open Standards in general and how it helped in the real world.
In my technical session i have planned to demonstrate how open standards
like the Risk Assessment Value from ISECOM´s Open Source Security
Testing Methodology Manual, can be a perfect addition to the proprietary
Thread Modelling, developed by vendors - i will demonstrate technical
examples along with Fedora Security Lab - and also real world examples.
As i already traveled to india on fedora budget this year - this time
the Trip is kindly supported by the Conference Organizers and out of my
"business"pocket ;)
Open Source India is scheduled for October 13-14. The 14th edition of
Asia's largest open source convention is taking place at NIMHANS
Convention Centre in Bengaluru.
The website has all the information you need
cheers Joerg
p.s. already confirmed tracks are
Cloud and Big Data
Cyber Security Day
Open Source and You (Success Stories)
Open Stack India (mini-conference)
Application Development
Container Day
Database Day
Open Source in IOT
Joerg (kital) Simon
Key Fingerprint:
3691 0989 2DCA 58A2 8D1F 2CAC C823 558E 5B5B 5688
Call trans opt: received. 2-19-98 13:24:18 REC:Loc
Trace program: running
wake up, Neo...
the matrix has you
follow the white rabbit.
knock, knock, Neo.
(`. ,-,
` `. ,;' /
`. ,'/ .'
`. X /.'
.-;--''--.._` ` (
.' / `
, ` ' Q '
, , `._ \
,.| ' `-.;_'
: . ` ; ` ` --,.._;
' ` , ) .'
`._ , ' /_
; ,''-,;' ``-
(I was not planning it because of tough schedules)
An SFD event (Seminar) in Kolkata is in planning stage. I am a co-organizer.
It can be a Ubuntu + Fedora women event too. Anybody willing to
speak/e-speak /participate on 17th September, 2017?
Thanks and Best
A Mani
Prof(Miss) A Mani
HomePage: http://www.logicamani.in
Blog: http://logicamani.blogspot.in/