I started writing this a while ago and never got it fully formed. Rather than let it keep rotting in my drafts folder I wanted to share it and see if it made sense to anyone else.
Warning - rough edges ahead!
Conversations with several people have resulted in distilling the following idea:
= EasyFix
== Changing metadata
Modify the table that drives fedoraproject.org/easyfix that is located at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Easyfix
The table would now include two additional columns (optional)
Col 1 = existing reference to the issue tracker. We should consider adding gitlab.com support
Col 2 = existing point of contact
Col 3 = category of task (documentation, infrastructure, programming-Haskell, programming-Ruby, etc.)
Col 4 = SIG/WG/etc. this project is related too (Design, Council, KDE, etc.)
== Changing fedoraproject.org/easyfix
Today we show only two categories: Issues from Pagure/Github and Bugzillas
I believe those categories are not the right categories for consumers of the page. Using the new category (col 3) above, we would break things out by the kind of contribution. This would serve to let people browse related tasks more easily and to reduce the overwhelming nature of the current lists.
For BZs we are either going to have to guess based on BZ metadata or leave them lumped together.
WCDIFF should be extended to show the categories and groups appropriate for the various endpoints. This way the person who navigates WCDIFF has the option of reading a specific task they could work on right now, if they so desire.
= Marketing/Promotion
The categories give us the opportunity to promote our easyfixes as a great way to join or contribute in a targeted manner. This could come in the form of articles, tweets, or live conference appearances.
What do people think?
We had a great meeting today. We primarily discussed how we could
integrate Matrix/Riot, and maybe even Telegram to make the #fedora-join
more accessible to newbies, and provide them with a better interface
than the usual IRC clients.
We now have a Matrix channel set up that integrates with our IRC
channel. You can hang out in it here:
We're going to look at setting up a Telegram bridge too.
Even when we've made the channel nicer, we still need more contributors
to hang in there and help out newbies. Newbies asking questions and not
receiving quickish replies seems to have a negative affect on them. So,
we'd like to prevent that from happening. We're discussing how we can
help contributors hang out in the channel. Making it more accessible
helps, of course. For instance, if one can hang out using a phone via
Telegram, that helps.
We're also thinking of starting a badge series that would be awarded to
contributors that help newbies join the community.
If you have any ideas and comments, please share them. The complete
meeting logs are here:
See you in two weeks!
Ankur Sinha "FranciscoD"