We had a great meeting yesterday. Here are the logs:
Minutes: https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting-3/2017-05-22/fedora-join.2…
Minutes (text): https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting-3/2017-05-22/fedora-join.2…
Log: https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting-3/2017-05-22/fedora-join.2…
We're on schedule for the IRC classroom sessions. Please keep a look
out for any more interesting talks that we can do. If you'd like to
take a session, get in touch! If you can bribe a friend to take a
session, get in touch!
More info here:
On the *new* class room initiative that will move away from IRC to platforms more apt for teaching, we're reviewing video platforms:
* FranciscoD review "open meeting"
* linuxmodder- to review "Big blue button BBB"
* skamath write a report about "Jitsi"
* x3mboy review "ekiga"
And of course, we'll get in touch with a redhatter to get some feedback
on "BlueJeans". If you'd like to help, please get in touch with the
responsible party via email/irc. If you know other platforms useful for
teaching, please get in touch with us too - while we're looking at
video platforms at the moment, any and all software that can be used
for teaching is most welcome (eg: moodle!). More info here:
We'll all blog our reviews so that they turn up on the planet, with a
heading: "$platform review for use in Fedora classroom sessions".
Meeting summary
* Agenda (FranciscoD, 15:09:08)
* 1. Roll call (FranciscoD, 15:09:24)
* 2. New members introduce themselves (FranciscoD, 15:09:34)
* 3. Update on IRC classroom resurrection (FranciscoD, 15:09:47)
* 4. Initial discussion on classroom v2 (FranciscoD, 15:10:10)
* 5. Mentoring (if time permits) (FranciscoD, 15:10:20)
* 6. Open floor (FranciscoD, 15:10:31)
* Roll call (FranciscoD, 15:10:39)
* New members! Please introduce yourselves! (FranciscoD, 15:12:00)
* Update on IRC classroom resurrection (FranciscoD, 15:17:55)
* LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Classroom (FranciscoD,
* Talks lined up: FOSS 101, Fedora Magazine 101, Command line 101, Vim
101, Emacs 101, Fedora QA 101, Git 101, Packaging 101 (FranciscoD,
* Because we don't want to take focus away from the release, we
thought it best to start the sessions a few weeks after
(FranciscoD, 15:20:13)
* ACTION: everyone - find more instructors willing to take sessions
(FranciscoD, 15:21:07)
* LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Classroom#Classroom_archives
(FranciscoD, 15:22:05)
* x3mboy is helping with writing posts on the sessions on the
magazine, and I act as back up (FranciscoD, 15:23:14)
* for the commblog, I'm writing posts and x3mboy is acting as backup
(FranciscoD, 15:23:30)
* need more hands to help with marketing of sessions - posts need to
be written on the magazine and commblog (FranciscoD, 15:24:14)
* LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Classroom#Help_wanted
(FranciscoD, 15:25:23)
* LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Classroom#Help_wanted
(linuxmodder, 15:25:40)
* linuxmodder is happy to help with writing up articles (FranciscoD,
* Note that if instructors have access to other platforms, they're
welcome to use them (FranciscoD, 15:26:30)
* if amita and sumatro need / want help on the git 101 let me know I
have some additional sources that helped a local class recently'
(linuxmodder, 15:28:45)
* ACTION: FranciscoD check if #fedora-classroom is ready (FranciscoD,
* Fedora classroom v2 (FranciscoD, 15:31:09)
(x3mboy, 15:34:41)
* https://pagure.io/fedora-join/Fedora-Join/issue/22#comment-439963 ->
platform suggestions from x3mboy (FranciscoD, 15:34:44)
* LINK: jitsi.org (skamath, 15:35:23)
* 1. how many people can a video conference hold? (FranciscoD,
* 2. what other features does it have? screen sharing, for example?
(FranciscoD, 15:36:53)
* 3. Free or paid? We'd prefer something free of cost (FranciscoD,
* 4. FOSS or not - we'd prefer FOSS (FranciscoD, 15:37:28)
* ACTION: skamath write a report about Jitsi and post it on Classroom
v2 ticket (skamath, 15:37:37)
* 5. what is the set up? Can we have a server on
fedora-infrastructure? (FranciscoD, 15:37:58)
* 6. How does one login - open id (so that fas can be used)
(FranciscoD, 15:38:15)
* 7. can the sessions be recorded? (FranciscoD, 15:38:28)
* 8. how will participants interact amongst themselves and with the
instructor (FranciscoD, 15:39:59)
* 9. Is there an admin mode? (FranciscoD, 15:40:34)
* 10 can it setup /allow for meeting alerts like a rss feed or similar
(linuxmodder, 15:41:18)
* ACTION: everyone - please post your reports on your blogs (and so
the planet) with a heading "$platform review for use in Fedora
classroom sessions" and drop links on to ticket #22 (FranciscoD,
* ACTION: x3mboy review ekiga (FranciscoD, 15:44:10)
* ACTION: review open meeting (FranciscoD, 15:45:33)
* ACTION: FranciscoD review open meeting (FranciscoD, 15:45:50)
* ACTION: linuxmodder- to review BBB (linuxmodder, 15:47:01)
* 11 - deployment can be done in various ways - openshift,
fedorainfracloud (will require it to be packaged up I think)
(FranciscoD, 15:47:47)
* open floor (FranciscoD, 15:49:30)
* skip mentoring this week - already enough work on our hands
(FranciscoD, 15:51:16)
* x3mboy and FranciscoD do vim class together (FranciscoD, 15:52:20)
* ACTION: FranciscoD send out meeting logs and blog about the meeting
(FranciscoD, 15:54:51)
* ACTION: everyone blog a few lines about the meeting (FranciscoD,
Meeting ended at 15:55:21 UTC.
Action Items
* everyone - find more instructors willing to take sessions
* FranciscoD check if #fedora-classroom is ready
* skamath write a report about Jitsi and post it on Classroom v2 ticket
* everyone - please post your reports on your blogs (and so the planet)
with a heading "$platform review for use in Fedora classroom sessions"
and drop links on to ticket #22
* x3mboy review ekiga
* review open meeting
* FranciscoD review open meeting
* linuxmodder- to review BBB
* FranciscoD send out meeting logs and blog about the meeting
* everyone blog a few lines about the meeting
Action Items, by person
* FranciscoD
* FranciscoD check if #fedora-classroom is ready
* FranciscoD review open meeting
* FranciscoD send out meeting logs and blog about the meeting
* linuxmodder
* linuxmodder- to review BBB
* skamath
* skamath write a report about Jitsi and post it on Classroom v2
* x3mboy
* x3mboy review ekiga
* everyone - find more instructors willing to take sessions
* everyone - please post your reports on your blogs (and so the
planet) with a heading "$platform review for use in Fedora classroom
sessions" and drop links on to ticket #22
* review open meeting
* everyone blog a few lines about the meeting
People Present (lines said)
* FranciscoD (137)
* x3mboy (38)
* zodbot (21)
* skamath (21)
* linuxmodder (17)
* alciregi (6)
* kk4ewt (2)
* mailga (2)
* Amita (1)
Ankur Sinha "FranciscoD"
Somehow, I haven't received a reminder from fedocal for today's
meeting. I wonder if anyone else got it?
Anyway, the meeting is in a few hours[1] - 1600 Europe/London according
to my calendar. (Fedocal says conflicting things.)
The agenda is the usual - open tickets.
In short, we've made headway on the classrooms. We now have 6 of them
lined up, but we don't want to start them off too soon with the new
release coming up in a few weeks. It makes more sense to let all the
spotlight fall on the release, and then we can use some of that to
launch the classrooms.
Ticket: https://pagure.io/fedora-join/Fedora-Join/issue/23
Thread on classroom ML: https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/classroom@lists.fedoraproject…
We had @kylerconway do the web space audit for us. We need to look at
the results and see what needs to be improved and so on.
Redoing the mentoring programme - we've let the ball drop on this one a
bit. We've already got quite a few ideas on this, but we need more
Ticket: https://pagure.io/fedora-join/Fedora-Join/issue/18
My current priority, given the lack of cycles, is the classroom bit.
The others are tasks that have a much longer term scope. I'd be quite
glad if more folks worked on them bit by bit. :)
I'll see you folks at the meeting!
[1] https://apps.fedoraproject.org/calendar/location/fedora-meeting-3%40irc.fre…
Ankur Sinha "FranciscoD"