On Wed, 2004-09-22 at 22:28, Paul Nasrat wrote:
Is this kernel/ramdisk version (2.6.8-1.541) supposed to work on OldWorld Macs? If yes, let me know, so that I can file a bug report.
It's not really something we've tried and tested. It may be worth looking at if YDL uses seperate configs for old/new world if not then it may just be something we're missing. IIRC the kernel for oldworld/newworld on ydl should be the same.
YDL4 will not be running on OldWorld hardware (officially).
Might want to bootstrap with an older YDL, then go all the way up to Fedora from there. Referencing to: http://lists.terrasoftsolutions.com/pipermail/yellowdog-general/2004-August/...