David Woodhouse wrote:
On Thu, 2006-02-23 at 14:03 +0100, Brian Durant wrote:
That would be nice as I got some errors when I ran "yum update", but until I figure out how to share a Thunderbird profile between Rawhide and OS X, I have to transfer the text files with the error messages between the two systems by using my USB stick.
Linux can read and write OSX hfs+ volumes. I don't see why the Thunderbird profile shouldn't be fairly portable -- if you really need to _share_ it rather than just using the same config in both places, then you might be able to make it work if your userid is the same on both OSX and Linux.
There should be a way of directing Thunderbird to the profile on the hfs+ partition (HD), but I don't see those instructions on Mozilla.org any more. They used to work with the old Moz monolithic app, but I have only seen references when googling about Firefox/Thunderbird being quite finiky when this is attempted. In principle two seperate profiles should be possible, as long as the mbox files are shared. That would avoid an overwriting of the extension preferences between OS's, just in case the same pref files aren't an exact match between platforms...