Hi Dan, sorry for the delay in answering, yes I can tell you that the card has always worked regularly on all the Fedora that I have used up to now ie 31, 32, and 33, without any kind of problem. Similarly it works on all versions I've tried of Debian and Ubuntu without Pulse Audio. So I think so, since you switched to Pipewere see, the card has stopped working and so I'm sure the problem lies in the new Pipewere sound system ... Can you do something? I think it will be difficult to receive numerous reports as this card is very expensive and little used in general and that is why I report the anomaly because I am afraid that if it is not solved immediately, it will end up not working anymore in any distro being that all sooner or later they will pass on Pipewere ...
On Sun, 22 Aug 2021 15:41:40 +0200 Maurizio Mileto Principale mjvmil@tin.it wrote:
Hi Dan, sorry for the delay in answering, yes I can tell you that the card has always worked regularly on all the Fedora that I have used up to now ie 31, 32, and 33, without any kind of problem. Similarly it works on all versions I've tried of Debian and Ubuntu without Pulse Audio. So I think so, since you switched to Pipewere see, the card has stopped working and so I'm sure the problem lies in the new Pipewere sound system ... Can you do something? I think it will be difficult to receive numerous reports as this card is very expensive and little used in general and that is why I report the anomaly because I am afraid that if it is not solved immediately, it will end up not working anymore in any distro being that all sooner or later they will pass on Pipewere ...
have you tried to manually switch back to pulseadio? There is a procedure described in the Fedora Pipewire Change. It's swapping a couple of packages. Because this way we would have a confirmation for our suspicion and can start talking with the pipewire developers.