Is anyone getting this failure using Cobbler 3.x.y? What's interesting, if
I do a "koan --replace-self" I am able to provision bare metal.
I've tried to poke around the code, but I'm not a python expert. I did add
a print line to to print profile_data:
elif is_qemu or is_xen:
# images don't need to source this
if "install_tree" not in profile_data:
raise InfoException(
"Cannot find install source in autoinst file, aborting.")
if not profile_data["install_tree"].endswith("/"):
profile_data["install_tree"] = profile_data["install_tree"] +
location = profile_data["install_tree"]
From the output I see this type of thing in the json:
repo= kssendmac ks=
I do not, however, see any "install_tree"
I do see this:
- 'repo=$tree '
- 'autoinstall_meta': 'tree=http://@@http_server@@/cblr/links/fedora-x86_64
Clearly KOAN is looking for "install_tree" but it's not being sent from
I'm using:
- KOAN v3.0.1
- Cobbler v3.2.1
Note, I've tried various 3.x.y versions of Cobbler - doesn't seem to help
(aka same error).
I copied the output to
Any help is gratefully appreciated...
Make it so Number One!