Cobbler 1.6.8
coding in PHP
We are using xmlrpc to sync system data stored in ldap to cobbler.
Is it possible to remove one interface from a system stored in cobbler ?
The only xmlrpc function I can find is "modify-interface"
So I tried to NULLify all vars of the interface-ethX array, but this
gives an error.
This is the expert of the code of my attempt to delete the interface.
# cleanup/remove interfaces not in ldap anymore
foreach ( $this->ldapHost["interfaces"] as $key => $value ) {
"macaddress-" . $value["name"] => NULL,
"ipaddress-" . $value["name"] => NULL,
"gateway-" . $value["name"] => NULL,
"virtbridge-" . $value["name"] => NULL,
"dnsname-" . $value["name"] => NULL,
"static-" . $value["name"] => NULL,
"dhcptag-" . $value["name"] => NULL,
"staticroutes-" . $value["name"] => NULL
xmlrpcmsg('modify_system', array(new xmlrpcval($handle,"string"), new
xmlrpcval($empty_interface,"struct"), new
This gives following result :
[macaddress-eth0] =>
[ipaddress-eth0] =>
[gateway-eth0] =>
[virtbridge-eth0] =>
[dnsname-eth0] =>
[static-eth0] =>
[dhcptag-eth0] =>
[staticroutes-eth0] =>
PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function serialize() on a non-object
in /opt/scripts/xmlrpc.inc on line 2974
Removing the system from cobbler, and recreating it, is not an option.
Anyone who knows a way to achieve this ?
In the meantime, I'm trying to put a ldap -> cobbler sync module
together using cobbler modules and python.
But for now, the php script is doing the job, except for deleting the