If you don't mind sharing, I'm curious about a few things.
How many cobbler objects do you have of each type?
cobbler distro list | wc -l
cobbler profile list | wc -l
cobbler system list | wc -l
cobbler repo list | wc -l
(B) About how many systems (machines and virtual machines) do you have
at your organization that are being managed by Cobbler? Ballpark is
ok, if you can't say "a lot" is fine too :)
(C) How many cobbler servers do you have?
(D) Generally, what does your organization do? You can omit this if
you want. Short answers like "school", "university", "hosting",
"government", "research", "finance", etc are fine.
(E) What do you use for config management if any (puppet, cfengine,
bcfg2, home grown, proprietary apps)
(F) What do you use for package management if any (yum directly,
Satellite, etc)
(G) What do you use for monitoring if any (nagios, proprietary apps, etc)
(H) Are you using virtualization? If so, which (VMware, Xen, KVM,
other)? Are you using Cobbler for virtualization deployment?
(I) Feel free to share whatever else you want :)
Basically I'm just curious as to whether system records are in wide use,
how many people are using cobbler for repo management, and how many
multi-cobbler server setups there are. I'm also a bit curious as to
what other apps are in use at the same time, for potential
integration/awareness reasons. This can help me better understand
where to go in the future, and which corners of things are less relevant
to the userbase.
Please reply to me off-list. I'll try to report back some
non-identifying aggregrate findings.