I've been playing with cobbler triggers in an effort to tie cobbler
into my distributed environment. My cobbler sits on my RHN
Satellite...however I use Infoblox for dhcp & dns.
My initial attempt was the use of a bash script:
However I soon discovered that cobbler will ONLY pass $1 to the
script, and does not pass on the MAC address ...which I obviously need
to update the dhcp (Infoblox).
This is my cobbler add system command:
cobbler system add --name=sparta
--profile=uk-mserv-61-puppet:1:MarkitGroup --mac=00:50:56:92:1b:61
I'm guessing a need to change my trigger to a python script, call the
cobbler_api and then parse out the arguments...something like:
create_dhcp_dns.py would parse the above cobbler command arguments,
extract the mac address and hostname, obtain a new IP from Infoblox,
update the dhcp and then continue the cobbler command...but now with
the additional argument "--ip"
I have working perl scripts to obtain an IP from Infoblox and update
the dhcp etc.....but I'm struggling to build them into my cobbler
trigger. I could probably get away with a wrapper script that calls
cobbler....but I would prefer to use cobbler directly and use triggers
to do the back end work.
Is it possible....any examples?