I would like to achieve something similar to pxedefault.template but with the custom options of pxelocal.template after a system has been provisoned.
The idea is to offer the full range of profiles to each system as an aditional option.
What I did was to put $pxe_menu_items stanza on the pxelocal.template as I did with pxedefault.template, but no matter what I do, it doesn't get rendered.
After looking at the code at pxegen.py, I can see the metadata["pxe_menu_items"] in "make_actual_pxe_menu" (which outputs pxelinux.cfg/default) but not on the function referencing pxelocal.template ("write_pxe_file"), so my guess is that this is not implemented.
¿any hint?
Thanks in advance
Pablo Iranzo Gómez (Pablo.Iranzo(a)redhat.com)
Senior Global Profesional Services Consultant (RHCA, RHCSS, RHCDS, RHCVA, RHCE, RHCSP) #804006196923216
Phone: +34 645 01 01 49 (CET/CEST)