On 04/01/2015 10:52 PM, Sethuraman, Murali wrote:
> Hi Alan,
> Thanks for your continued responses. When "dhclient" is executed without any options from the baremetal, /var/log/messages on the cobbler server does not get updated with any DHCP requests [similar to what happens when it tries to pxe boot]. It does not work.
I know I have already asked again, but just confirming
- Are you sure the DHCP server is in the same subnet of the client?
- Are you sure there are no other DHCP servers in the same subnet?
If both answers are "yes", there is something odd in your network/DHCP
setup which prevents
broadcasted DHCP requests to arrive in the DHCP server. I'd also check
if there are any link layer firewalls
which may be blocking the communication. If not, I'd use some network
debugging tool such
as tcpdump in another system of the same subnet and assert if it is
receiving the broadcasted DHCP
requests (UDP packages), then we know if the problem is specific to the
DHCP server or not.
Alan Evangelista