Hi all:
I'm having a similar problem to one that was reported by another
subscriber back in June. I don't seem to be able to build anything other
than CentOS or RHEL v6 machines. Any attempt to build a RHEL5 or CentOS5
machine results in 'Error downloading kickstart file'. I'll outline the
troubleshooting steps that I've taken so far, maybe somebody can suggest
something I've missed.
The server on which Cobbler is installed is running 64-bit CentOS 6.4
and is fully up to date with patches. Cobbler itself is version
2.4.0-1.el6 installed using the RPMs from the 'epel' repository. There
is over 100GBytes of free space in the /var filesystem and the machine
routinely runs with about 3GBytes of free system memory from a total of
4GBytes installed, i.e. there doesn't appear to be an issue with
resources of any kind on the Cobbler server itself.
The server is set up to use the 'base', 'epel' and 'extras' repositories
for CentOS. The Cobbler installation was recently updated from 2.2.3-2
via a 'yum update' operation. In the interests of completeness, other
relevant package versions are:
It's been a long time (first time in 2013, in fact!) since I've been
asked to build a RHEL5 machine, so I can't say with any certainty when
this problem started happening, but I can say that RHEL5 builds have
worked in the past.
There are no errors being reported during the kickstart process in
/var/log/cobbler or any of the Apache log files. The only message that I
am seeing is a Django-related Python deprecation warning:
'django.template.loaders.filesystem.load_template_source' is deprecated;
use 'django.template.loaders.filesystem.Loader' instead.
I've checked from another server and a wget to http://<cobbler host
name>/cblr/svc/op/ks/system/<system name> generates a properly formed
kickstart file, as does the 'view kickstart' button in the web GUI. The
wget also works when referencing the Cobbler server by IP address rather
than host name.
There are no errors being reported by running validateks against the
system name in question.
All of the CentOS 6 and RHEL 6 profiles work correctly, so I'm confident
that there isn't a network problem between my Cobbler server and the
machine I'm trying to build. The same machine builds correctly if I
re-define it using a CentOS6 profile.
More in desperation than anything else, I tried completely removing the
RHEL5 profile I was trying to build from and replacing it with a brand
new one created from scratch, but this didn't change the behaviour seen
during a kickstart operation.
Does anybody have any suggestions as to where to look next?
Phil Edwards | PGP/GnuPG Key Id
Brighton, UK | 0xD5D8F53C