Don't know if this last post made it.
I've narrowed it down to something in the network_config, pre and post
SNIPPETS. I have seen bug report 1117640 however no data is missing as
in that case, I've done a cobbler system getks and all the data is
there as far as I can tell. I pulled all three SNIPPETs out and
replaced them with the proper network kickstart line and the error about
an illegal IP address string is gone. The install has other issues but
that's not this problem.
So it's something in the network SNIPPETs that is causing the illegal IP
address string error when trying to install CentOS 7.
Chris J.
> Hi.
> I've probably missed something somewhere. I'd love to know what.
> I have a cobbler server (2.6.5-9.1) running on CentOS 6.5 in a VBox
> (4.3.16) VM on OS X (10.9.5). Now 6.5 installs just fine this way on
> my other VMs. However when trying to install C7, anaconda keeps
> dumping on an illegal IP address string passed to inet_aton and that's
> even using the default sample.ks kickstart.
> Has anyone managed to install CentOS 7 on a VBox VM? I'd love to know
> where this error is coming from.
> Tnx.
> Chris J.