> > Hi,
> >
> > We are using cobber to manage our machines for our satellite. Re are using
> > satellite 5.5 with cobbler 2.0.7. Since our last upgrade, our VMWare
> > Machines do not use the static IP anymore during kickstart.
> >
> > NOTICE NetworkManager: ifcfg-rh: Ignoring connection 'System eth0' and
> > its device due to NM_CONTROLLED/BRIDGE/VLAN.
> >
> > Before the upgrade, this worked.
> > We use this cobbler command to add the machine:
> >
> > cobbler system add --name=thename --profile=theprofilename
> > --hostname=thename --kopts="ksdevice=eth0 umgebung=LAN" --interface=eth0
> > --static=true --mac=00:50:56:9b:2e:c6 --ip= --subnet=
> > --gateway= --name-servers=
> >
> > What are we doing wrong? I searched for different combinations of cobbler,
> > NetworkManager, DHCP etc. but I did not find any usable answer. I hope this
> > is a cobbler problem.
> It would seem NetworkManager is interfering, eth0 doesn't exist
> (em0/1?) or the MAC for that interface is incorrect. You can try
> adding NM_CONTROLLED=no to the pre_install_network_config snippet (and
> to the post version as well), though it may depend on during what
> state of the kickstart it's trying to request a DHCP address.
> Are you kickstarting RH guests on VMware hosts, or using
> cobbler/satellite to kickstart the VMware host itself?
Thanks for the reply!
In my understanding the snippet will be part of the kickstart file, but the installation stops before stage 2 so the new machine does not even get that far. However I changed it in the Kickstart file:
# Start pre_install_network_config generated code
# Start of code to match cobbler system interfaces to physical interfaces by their mac addresses
# Start eth0
# Configuring eth0 (00:50:56:9b:2e:c6)
if ifconfig -a | grep -i 00:50:56:9b:2e:c6
IFNAME=$(ifconfig -a | grep -i '00:50:56:9b:2e:c6' | cut -d " " -f 1)
echo "network --device=$IFNAME --bootproto=static --ip= --netmask= --gateway= --nameserver= --hostname=hostname" >> /tmp/pre_install_network_config
# End pre_install_network_config generated code
I try to install a RH guest on a VMware host.
I am not sure anymore if this really is a Cobbler issue and not maybe an anaconda issue.