Dear Fedora Gaming Special Interest
I salute your efforts to make Fedora
one of the best Linux systems for gaming. I have had an idea to make
your support even better: package the Loki Compatibility Libraries.
Granted this would only help users in running commercial games, such
as the Loki Software and Hyperion game ports, but the libraries
themselves are not proprietary and are simply older versions of free
libraries that are needed by these ports to run repackaged. Case in
point, on SuperGamer it appears to include these libraries by
default. The Loki port of Kohan: Immortal Sovereigns runs beautifully
out of the box, as does Hyperion's port of SiN. I have been fighting to get these to
work on Fedora with very little success. I am not quite sure how
SuperGamer packages them, but I would love to be able to type into my
root terminal, say, "yum install loki-compat-libs" and
suddenly have these games work. I would be very happy if someone
looks into this.
Hamish Wilson
Yahoo! Canada Toolbar: Search from anywhere on the web, and bookmark your favourite sites. Download it now
This might result in possible trademark issues depending on what happens.
I didn't look at too much of this, but there is a commercial entity involved
so there may be a change coming down the road.
I just noticed that the homepage link for FreeDoom at:
is wrong. It goes to freeciv instead.
If this is the wrong place to report this, can somebody forward the message or
point me in the right direction.
(please cc me in any reply, i'm not on this mailing list)
FYI, these were the notes from last Monday's Board Strategic Working
Group meeting, where your responses to the Board's questions were
noted and discussed. From this, there are several specific actions we
would like to see taken:
# the problems hampering Spins due to long GNOME dependency chain
requirements has a ticket open for FESCo to discuss.
# hosting space for Spins for direct http downloads will be made available by Infrastructure.
Each spin should file a request for space with infrastructure.
# being able to offer AutoQA
individual Spins should get involved with QA Team to ensure their
needs are addressed as well as those of the rest of the Project.
This is highly dependent on Spins owners contributing to the QA
methodologies and even direct test efforts - QA is already feeling
overwhelmed, and we need to scale this process out across more volunteers.
# banners on get.fp.o -> spins.fp.o
People with web site building experience are asked to participate in
the websites team to remove "waiting on someone who can" as a possible
I thank you all for your valuable input and continuing contributions
to Fedora.
----- Forwarded message from John Poelstra <poelstra(a)> -----
Date: Mon, 01 Mar 2010 16:17:37 -0800
From: John Poelstra <poelstra(a)>
To: advisory-board(a)
Subject: Board SWG Meeting 2010-03-01 Recap
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== Roll Call ==
* Attendees: John Poelstra, Paul Frields, Chris Tyler, Mike McGrath,
Colin Walters, Matt Domsch
* Notes from last meeting:…
== Spins Work ==
* Background:
** Matt and Colin have been collecting feedback to questions asked
* Each spin producing group does believe they can and should define a
target audience
* John: would it help clarify our message to refer to the live gnome
desktop as the ''default offering'' rather than referring to it as a spin?
** Paul: Spins were initially conceived as a range of things the
community can produce that are alternatives to what we feel must be
created, or add-ons that narrowly focus on special use cases
* Matt: Rel-eng sits in the middle of the spin creation process right
now -- a couple communication breakdowns have happened over time,
sometimes spin producers didn't know their spin was being built
** Matt: semi-OT -- at some point need to reconsider the question of who
builds the spins. Does it always have to be Release Engineering?
** Paul: more narrowly aimed spins (FEL, Games, ...) seem to nail their
use cases quite well
* Top of mind problem seems to be some dependency chains
(system-config-keyboard), whether or not that is the most serious
problem or not isn't clear
* '''PAIN POINT IDENTIFIED''': Dependency chain requirements cause
alternate desktop spins to still pull in a large portion of the GNOME stack.
** '''NEXT STEPS''': Mike will file ticket with FESCo requesting they
look at dependency chain requirements. This could be a Fedora
Engineering Services task.
** Colin willing to look at helping with dependency chain issues
** ''TICKET''':
* '''NON PAIN POINT''': Spins SIG does feel that resolution processes
have been working well when they're needed.
* Resources:
** Infrastructure now has the ability to host additional content,
including spins. This has been a long time incoming, and needs to be
implemented and announced, but the capacity is there now.
** Ambassadors who want to pass out specific spins can make requests for
monetary resources to CommArch, to be evaluated in the scope of media
requests and budget.
*** The Board is not taking a stance on what medias should be produced
for any particular event.
* Not sure what to do with feedback from survey work that showed that
some people don't want the board to help or ask questions about how they
can help
=== Next Steps & Positive Outcomes ===
# dependency chain requirements
# hosting space for Spins
#* Each spin should file a request for space with infrastructure
# (tentative) being able to offer AutoQA
#* individual Spins should get involved with QA Team to ensure their
needs are addressed as well as those of the rest of the Project.
# banners on get.fp.o
# Update wiki pages for information collected
== Default Offering ==
* Give feedback to Paul by tomorrow, 2010-03-02
* Paul will send to Board for approval on 2010-03-02
== Topics and plan for next meeting ==
* John/Chris will take up topic of "What is a target audience?"
* Meet next week, 2010-03-08 at 20:00 UTC (3:00pm EST/12:00pm PST)
advisory-board mailing list
----- End forwarded message -----