Hey there,
To be able to compose the Fedora Games LiveDVD I need you to confirm
that the current kickstart[1] is valid, as up-to-date as possible and
that someone, or some of you, are willing to take bugs and maintain the
spin for the remainder of Fedora 9's lifecycle.
Any updates to the kickstart can be sent here, to me in private, or by
requesting commit access to the SCM[2].
Thank you in advance,
Kind regards,
Jeroen van Meeuwen
[1] $ git clone git://git.fedorahosted.org/spin-kickstarts.git
kickstart then is: spin-kickstarts/fedora-livedvd-games.ks
[2] https://admin.fedoraproject.org/accounts/group/view/gitspin-kickstarts
I was asking Wart to update java wfut package to new native libwfut:
But he is not reachable or too busy to look at it now.
The only package that has dependency on wfut is sear (WorldForge
client). It hadn't updated for some time, but CVS versions of it are
using libwfut.
Could somebody take a look on it and say what is needed to get this
package updated?