I am Nishnat singh studying at jaipur National University(Jnu) in B.tech
computer science.I have seen the website http://fuelproject.org
and i feel that i can improve the front end and back end of the website.
I have good knowledge about HTML, CSS and JAVA script PHP , and Database.
Please let me work if you feel any work according to my profile.
With best regards yours:
Nishant singh
Jaipur National University
This has been a long standing request and much apologies for my tardiness. :)
The Bengali (Indian) version of fuel is attached here. The content is in
compliance with the paribhashakosh(es) and other similar terminology sets that
are available from Paschimbanga Bangla Akademy, Sahitya Samsad and in standard
localization best practices followed by the Bengali translation groups. Please
feel free to use and list this file as per your requirements. Thanks.