Test Site:
Details below ...
We've made some progress on our docs reboot site. As you know our goal is August 1(ish) so your feedback is very very appreciated. When considering issues, please think about what is required to launch versus nice to have later. Please report issues where indicated below, if possible.
## Convert Documentation to AsciiDoc
We have converted two of the three books we want to move to AsciiDoc. We have put the sources in a new set of a git repositories to make a "clean break."
Installation Guide: System Administrators Guide:
These repositories are ready for your content PRs. For now, please submit PRs against the master branch. Once we are further down the road we can really differentiate the F26 and master branches. Issues against the content are also welcome (see below).
The Release Notes are being converted now and I will send an update (if someone else doesn't) when they are done.
## Publish the AsciiDoc content using AsciiBinder
A basic publishing repository has been setup along with an html output repository.
Publishing Code: Built Output: Test Site:
Please report general issues and appearance issues against the Code Repo. Content issues should go against the content repos.
I am in the process of adding a project plan to the README in the code repo.
Feedback appreciated.