On Sat, Mar 14, 2009 at 2:25 AM, Lalit Dhiri my_linux@live.com wrote:
From: chris.schumann@gmail.com
Is this the right place to help with the overall system, even though the issues I'm having are related to specific hardware? I'm having issues with video drivers (open source and proprietary), audio drivers (on a ThinkPad 600X, alsa bug 305, FWIW); but also the default battery and configuration settings are not very good, causing shortened battery run-time and battery life, especially for the secondary battery.
If you are having problems with drivers etc always search Bugzilla to determine if the issue has been reported as there may be a work around or if nothine is listed always try to report so things can be looked in to.
Excellent. Will do.
Have you considered using laptop mode tools which can help with hard disk clicking and power saving?
I use powertop, which helps a lot, but I have to remember to use it every time I restart, which is more often than it used to be with F9.
I'm a contributor there and know it well. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to have just what's needed in an accessible manner, and I don't know how to improve that.
What's the best way to help make sure Fedora becomes even more awesome on these machines?
Consider becoming a Bugzapper so you are testing Alpha, Beta... Preview etc. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/BugZappers
Never heard of that before. Thank you!