I've ported all my packages to be buildable with OpenJDK 17.
I have not pushed the changes to dist-git yet, but I will do it before
the end of the week.
I wanted to share common problems I encountered and solutions I came up with.
I hope that this will help others trying to port their packages.
Problem 1: Compiler source/target levels 1.6 are no longer supported
Solution: Bump source/target levels to 1.7 or 1.8
Packages affected:
- apache-commons-beanutils
- apache-commons-collections
- apache-commons-jxpath
- apache-commons-logging
- apache-commons-net
- apiguardian
- atinject
- bsf
- cglib
- java_cup
- jdom
- jdom2
- jsch
- junit
- jzlib
- maven-file-management
- maven-plugin-testing
- maven-shared-io
- munge-maven-plugin
- opentest4j
- osgi-annotation
- plexus-build-api
- qdox
- sisu-mojos
- xalan-j2
- xbean
- xml-commons-apis
Problem 2: Tests that use reflection fail with <<module java.base does
not "opens java.lang">> or similar error
Solution: Run tests with appropriate --add-opens parameter passed to JVM
Packages affected:
- easymock
- mockito
- xmvn
Problem 3: Code does not recognize Java bytecode version 61.0
Solution: Update to newer upstream version that supports newer Java bytecode.
Package affected:
- objectweb-asm
Problem 4: Code is compiled with -Werror passed to javac, but OpenJDK
17 introduces new warnings
Solution: Do not pass -Werror to Java compiler
Package affected:
- jakarta-mail
Problem 5: Wildcard imports are used in the code, but OpenJDK 17
introduces new classes that cause import ambiguity
Solution: Add explicit imports
Package affected:
- univocity-parsers
Packages that needed changes to make RPM Java packaging tooling to
work with OpenJDK 17:
- javapackages-bootstrap
- javapackages-tools
- maven