============================== #atomic: Atomic infrastructure ==============================
Meeting started by jzb at 15:03:13 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/atomic/2014-07-21/atomic.2014-07-21-15.03.l... .
Meeting summary --------------- * Minimum for Alpha (jzb, 15:04:18) * Mirroring approach probably needed for scale, even if we don't project a high number of users. (stickster, 15:14:51) * Volunteer oddshocks to work on MirrorManager code fixes needed (need to get this more granular, work with dgilmore/nirik) (stickster, 15:16:24) * Volunteer oddshocks to work on MirrorManager code fixes needed (need to get this more granular, work with dgilmore/nirik/walters as needed) (stickster, 15:17:18) * LINK: http://rpm-ostree.cloud.fedoraproject.org/repo/refs/heads/fedora-atomic/rawh... (walters, 15:19:42) * ACTION: stickster Send out whenisgood to figure out a slot for next week (stickster, 15:37:54) * ACTION: walters will start a thread on official tree composes and mirroring.. (jzb, 15:38:03)
* Where do we need help immediately, and who can step up? (jzb, 15:40:53) * We need to consider where object stores might be backed in the future, based on the observed delta from F21 Alpha (stickster, 15:46:27)
Meeting ended at 15:55:09 UTC.
Action Items ------------ * stickster Send out whenisgood to figure out a slot for next week * walters will start a thread on official tree composes and mirroring..
Action Items, by person ----------------------- * stickster * stickster Send out whenisgood to figure out a slot for next week * walters * walters will start a thread on official tree composes and mirroring.. * **UNASSIGNED** * (none)
People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * stickster (48) * walters (48) * jzb (39) * mattdm (32) * nirik (29) * dgilmore (19) * misc (14) * KidProton (8) * oddshocks (5) * zodbot (3) * bochecha (3) * smooge (1)
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.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot