Hello Fedora-Infrastructure
I`d like to introduction myself, my name is John Bassford (irc jbass29503 on
irc.freenode.net#fedora-admin) and was looking to learn the in/outs of how
the fedora infrstucture group works and possible start to assist with small
tasks/projects to assist the fedora project. I have been a sysadmin for
about 13 years
now, working both linux and windows sides.
So please look at the info below which is what was recommended from the
fedora-wiki, and don`t be in shock.
Name: John Bassford
Time Zone/Country: Eastern/US
BasicSkills/Experiences: SystemAdministrator/Engineer, bash,perl, ldap,rpm
packaging, nagios, dns admin, fimilar with puppet
Developerskills: not really, know php, and a little java, but not python
whyJoin: to give back to opensource community, learn new technology and
ways, in general to boarden my horizons
Looking to do: observe and get a feel of the infrastructure group
and possible help with these two open tickets to start with, I think they
are small and something good for someone new to the group
to start with. (tickets 1152 and 1084 if there really is still work to be
done for them, as these active tickets are rather old)
an maybe the Nagios upgrade. (2275)
HowMuchTime: couple hours a day and/or more on a weekend.
I have some hardware to do simulated testing with, a dell server running
vmware esx (freeware) which is what I just installed fedora14 on, but
limited in disk space abou 100GB total local.