I'm asking this here for lack of a "meta" site for Ask Fedora. :)
I recently came across this:
I'm a bit perplexed by the close reason -- "the question is answered, right answer was accepted". Whatever the reason, this shows up in the list of questions with [closed] by the title (in addition to the green checkmark indicating that an answer was accepted).
Why would we want to do this? Isn't the point to build up a body of questions and answers?
I think closing should be reserved for _problematic_ questions -- off topic, spam, argumentative, etc. But maybe I'm not getting something here. Does closing questions for being successful have a benefit I'm missing?
On 20 July 2014 09:55, Matthew Miller mattdm@fedoraproject.org wrote:
I'm asking this here for lack of a "meta" site for Ask Fedora. :)
I recently came across this:
I'm a bit perplexed by the close reason -- "the question is answered, right answer was accepted". Whatever the reason, this shows up in the list of questions with [closed] by the title (in addition to the green checkmark indicating that an answer was accepted).
Why would we want to do this? Isn't the point to build up a body of questions and answers?
I think closing should be reserved for _problematic_ questions -- off topic, spam, argumentative, etc. But maybe I'm not getting something here. Does closing questions for being successful have a benefit I'm missing?
I am not part of ask but having looked at stackexchange etc there are multiple reasons to close it.
1) People prefer to look for things which are listed as answered. 2) The answer given to the question is correct. dnf is usable now and will be mainstream in F22.
For me the main problem is layout wise because the closed statement is so large it looks more like a moderation statement of don't ask these sorts of questions and the answer has to be scrolled down to which some people might not do.
On Sun, Jul 20, 2014 at 10:40:24AM -0600, Stephen John Smoogen wrote:
- People prefer to look for things which are listed as answered.
Definitely. But Askbot already has a _separate_ way to mark something as answered -- there's a checkbox. Maybe that needs to be made more visible somehow?
On 07/20/2014 06:55 PM, Matthew Miller wrote:
I'm asking this here for lack of a "meta" site for Ask Fedora. :)
Usually, we ask questions and tag them with "meta" tag. Yes, there is no separate site for Ask Fedora meta, yet. (https://ask.fedoraproject.org/en/questions/scope:all/sort:activity-desc/tags...)
I recently came across this:
I'm a bit perplexed by the close reason -- "the question is answered, right answer was accepted". Whatever the reason, this shows up in the list of questions with [closed] by the title (in addition to the green checkmark indicating that an answer was accepted).
Why would we want to do this? Isn't the point to build up a body of questions and answers?
There is already a question similar to this (https://ask.fedoraproject.org/en/question/9741/close-a-question-when-answer-...) but it has no accepted answer :)
I think closing should be reserved for _problematic_ questions -- off topic, spam, argumentative, etc. But maybe I'm not getting something here. Does closing questions for being successful have a benefit I'm missing?
Yes, I agree on that and mostly because an answer right now (or an answer for Fedora 20) maybe will not be valid for Fedora 21 or 22..etc. A user should be able to add a new answer, for instance, about Fedora 22, without the need to open (and answer) a new question about the same problem, but for different release.
I have closed some questions with this reason too, but mostly because, newcomers where they don't know how to use Ask, they are adding new answers, such as "I have the same problem, please help" ...etc, or answers that should be comments.
But really, I agree on removal of this closing reason.
On 07/20/2014 09:55 AM, Matthew Miller wrote:
I'm asking this here for lack of a "meta" site for Ask Fedora. :)
I recently came across this:
I'm a bit perplexed by the close reason -- "the question is answered,
answer was accepted". Whatever the reason, this shows up in the list of questions with [closed] by the title (in addition to the green checkmark indicating that an answer was accepted).
Why would we want to do this? Isn't the point to build up a body of questions and answers?
I think closing should be reserved for _problematic_ questions -- off
spam, argumentative, etc. But maybe I'm not getting something here. Does closing questions for being successful have a benefit I'm missing?
I didn't like this at first, either. There's always room for improvement, elaboration, follow up questions, etc. Howver, it *really* bothers me to see a good answer followed up by a not-so-good or blatantly incorrect answer, or sometimes people will even simply paraphrase an existing answer for the sake of participation.
So, I don't think this should be categorically applied to all questions with a correct answer, but it does have some merit. There are many questions - like Ankur's one about rpmfusion codecs - where it is best to maintain one comprehensive, correct answer and discourage drive-by solutions that are incorrect or just not as good.
- -- - -- Pete Travis - Fedora Docs Project Leader - 'randomuser' on freenode - immanetize@fedoraproject.org
On Sun, Jul 20, 2014 at 01:25:17PM -0600, Pete Travis wrote:
I didn't like this at first, either. There's always room for improvement, elaboration, follow up questions, etc. Howver, it *really* bothers me to see a good answer followed up by a not-so-good or blatantly incorrect answer, or sometimes people will even simply paraphrase an existing answer for the sake of participation.
The good answer should be sorted first, hopefully.
And, while I agree with what you're saying, there's also the possibility that an even better answer legitimately comes along later.
So, I don't think this should be categorically applied to all questions with a correct answer, but it does have some merit. There are many questions - like Ankur's one about rpmfusion codecs - where it is best to maintain one comprehensive, correct answer and discourage drive-by solutions that are incorrect or just not as good.
Yeah.... with Stack Exchange, there is the option to "protect" a question, so that it can only be answered by people with a certain (low, but still) reputation threshold. That prevents the drive-bys without locking out real improvements.