On 07/22/2018 04:06 PM, Neal Gompa wrote:
Is there a good reason to migrate from fedimg to ore instead of implementing what we "like" from ore in fedimg?
Mostly the fact that with the acquisition of CoreOS Inc we have more people that know and maintain ore than fedimg (where sayan was really the only person who knows fedimg). ore also has the ability to upload to many more clouds than just AWS, which I don't think is something we ever had in fedimg.
fedimg is already wired into Fedora Infrastructure, leverages first-party API modules for various provider uploads (esp. AWS), and is actually relatively painless to develop and use. The fact it uses Python is also a huge advantage, since it's easy for people to pick up and develop/contribute.
Like most things in Go, the development story is pretty awful, and maintenance of Go software is... not great. Between the lack of versioning and the complete lack of sane dependency management, I am incredibly reluctant to encourage development of tools in Go. As someone who actually _does_ maintain a package in Go and has to deal with its idiosyncrasies on a regular basis, I'd rather not inflict that horror on more people...
I agree Go can be a pain. Despite that I think this is a good starting point for now because we get the added functionality ore currently has without doing a bunch of new development. For now I think we have other "bigger fish" to go after.
I do agree that we shouldn't have split maintenance between two tools, though I'd rather see Fedora CoreOS images pushed via fedimg rather than ore.