Recently, we discovered a bug in gnutls that caused Cockpit to be unreachable by recent versions of Google Chrome. It was ambiguous what the release criteria actually means, since it didn't specify which browser applications were blocking. I'd like to propose the following additional wording for Cockpit criteria:
* All Cockpit functional criteria must be satisfied when the user is running any of the following blocking browsers: - Mozilla Firefox as shipped in the same Fedora release - Mozilla Firefox of the latest available version on Windows at compose time. - Mozilla Firefox of the latest available version on OSX at compose time. - Google Chrome of the latest available version on Fedora at compose time. - Google Chrome of the latest available version on Windows at compose time. - Google Chrome of the latest available version on OSX at compose time.
Alternately, we could decide that it's only *blocking* if the above browsers work with Cockpit when the browser is running on Fedora, but that is somewhat at odds with our reasoning for having a management console as a web UI in the first place: that it is accessible regardless of the client system.
Comments welcome, but please keep replies on the test@lists.fedoraproject.org list, as that's where criteria decisions are made.