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Today at the overflow meeting, we came up with nine use cases that we
believe we want to focus on with the Fedora Server product. We agreed
that we want to list these in priority order, but I want to open this
up to the wider server community so we can order these properly.
Please keep in mind that these use-cases are high-level and should not
be construed to be exhaustive or exclusive. There are several items in
this list that we need to coordinate with other working groups as well.
Please respond with your recommendations for the ordering of this list
(assuming that all entries remain as they are) so we can get a sense
of the relative importance of these items.
1) The user must be able to easily deploy and configure any supported
Fedora Server role. (Examples may include: FreeIPA Domain Controller,
BIND DNS, DHCP, Database server, iSCSI target, File/Storage server.)
2) The user must be able to query, monitor, configure and manage a
Fedora Server remotely using stable and consistent public interfaces.
3) The user must be able to simply enroll the Fedora Server into a
FreeIPA or Active Directory domain.
4) Users must be able to control and contain the resources consumed by
services running on the system.
5) Users must be able to rapidly re-deploy services in accordance with
their DevOps practices using Fedora Server.
6) ASK SOFTWARE COLLECTIONS WG The user must be able to easily deploy
and configure applications to supported high-value frameworks.
(Example frameworks: JBoss, Ruby on Rails, Django, Turbogears,
Node.js, PHP.)
7) ASK CLOUD WG Provide a platform for acting as a node in an
OpenStack rack.
8) ASK CLOUD WG Users must be able to create, manipulate and terminate
large numbers of containers using a stable and consistent interface.
9) Users must be able to use Fedora Server in fully headless
operation. We commit to supporting only those GUI applications that
can work with forwarded X (or the equivalent on other windowing systems)
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#fedora-meeting-1: Server Working Group Special Overflow Meeting
Meeting started by sgallagh at 14:59:41 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
- ---------------
* roll call (sgallagh, 14:59:50)
* PRD: Use Cases (sgallagh, 15:08:05)
* Fedora Cloud has requested a joint PRD hackfest on Jan 8 (sgallagh,
* ACTION: @ Joint PRD Hackfest to-do: Ask Cloud WG about use case #1
"Provide a platform for acting as a node in an OpenStack rack." <=
hypervisor (mizmo, 15:10:53)
* It should be possible to install a GUI-less server. (mizmo,
* AGREED: Server must be useful in fully headless operation. We commit
to supporting only those GUI applications that can work with
forwarded X (or the equivalent on other windowing systems) (+5, 0,
-0) (sgallagh, 15:32:57)
* LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Server/Use_Cases (mitr,
* LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Server/Use_Cases (sgallagh,
* LINK: http://piratepad.net/serverwg-usecases (mizmo, 15:56:02)
* LINK: http://piratepad.net/serverwg-usecases (sgallagh, 16:00:53)
* ACTION: approach software collection wg about use case #4: "The user
must be able to easily deploy and configure applications to
supported high-value frameworks. (Example frameworks: Ruby on Rails,
Django, Turbogears, Node.js, PHP, JBoss.)" (mizmo, 16:07:25)
* ACTION: ask cloud wg about use case #9: "Users must be able to
create, manipulate and terminate large numbers of containers using a
stable and consistent interface" (mizmo, 16:32:04)
* ACTION: sgallagh to update the PRD draft (sgallagh, 16:35:42)
* ACTION: sgallagh to send email requesting prioritization of the
use-cases (sgallagh, 16:36:01)
* Open Floor (sgallagh, 16:38:01)
* Cross-WG PRD Hackfest 14:00 UTC to 18:00 UTC on 2014-01-08
(sgallagh, 16:38:51)
Meeting ended at 16:40:36 UTC.
Action Items
- ------------
* @ Joint PRD Hackfest to-do: Ask Cloud WG about use case #1 "Provide a
platform for acting as a node in an OpenStack rack." <= hypervisor
* approach software collection wg about use case #4: "The user must be
able to easily deploy and configure applications to supported
high-value frameworks. (Example frameworks: Ruby on Rails, Django,
Turbogears, Node.js, PHP, JBoss.)"
* ask cloud wg about use case #9: "Users must be able to create,
manipulate and terminate large numbers of containers using a stable
and consistent interface"
* sgallagh to update the PRD draft
* sgallagh to send email requesting prioritization of the use-cases
Action Items, by person
- -----------------------
* sgallagh
* sgallagh to update the PRD draft
* sgallagh to send email requesting prioritization of the use-cases
* @ Joint PRD Hackfest to-do: Ask Cloud WG about use case #1 "Provide
a platform for acting as a node in an OpenStack rack." <= hypervisor
* approach software collection wg about use case #4: "The user must be
able to easily deploy and configure applications to supported
high-value frameworks. (Example frameworks: Ruby on Rails, Django,
Turbogears, Node.js, PHP, JBoss.)"
* ask cloud wg about use case #9: "Users must be able to create,
manipulate and terminate large numbers of containers using a stable
and consistent interface"
People Present (lines said)
- ---------------------------
* sgallagh (160)
* mizmo (152)
* mitr (72)
* nirik (47)
* Evolution (16)
* zodbot (6)
* rdoty (5)
* adamw (0)
* tuanta (0)
* davidstrauss (0)
* simo (0)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot
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== What are our use-cases? ==
Full disclosure: the use-cases I am listing below come from
discussions I have had within Red Hat for what we would like to see in
Fedora that we can best build on to become Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.
Please take this in the spirit it is given: I am disclosing what Red
Hat wants up front, so we aren't accused of working towards hidden
goals. I am also not committing us to covering any or all of these
targets. I do believe however that the majority of these use-cases
will be beneficial to both Fedora and Red Hat.
* Provide a platform for acting as a node in an OpenStack rack.
* Provide a platform and simple setup for certain infrastructure
services, e.g.
* FreeIPA Domain Controller
* Database server (both free and commercial).
* Provide simple setup of a file-server (on par with Windows).
* Platform for deploying web applications with high-value frameworks.
* Ruby on Rails
* Django
* Turbogears
* Node.js
* Make Fedora the best platform to deploy JBoss applications.
* Come up with standardized mechanisms for centralized monitoring
* Come up with standardized mechanisms for centralized configuration
and management
* Simple enrollment into FreeIPA and Active Directory domains
* Provide the best platform for secure application deployment
* Isolation of OS from applications
* Isolation of applications from each other
* Isolation of application users from each other
* Management of application resource consumption
* Simplify management and deployment.[1]
* Deliver the world's best leading edge DevOps platform.
== My initial thoughts ==
I am open to counter-arguments, naturally.
[1] Ideally, we want a mid-level Microsoft admin to be able to manage
Fedora without much learning curve.
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Hey all,
During the Cloud Working Group meeting today, we decided to hold a
"hackfest" on 8 January 2014 to finalize our PRD and get it ready for
the deadline the following week.
We also thought it might be a good idea to see if the Server WG wanted
to do the same, in case we had some cross-group questions and/or to
collaborate in other ways while we're working on the PRDs.
I think we're going to be meeting from 14:00 UTC to 18:00 UTC, if Server
WG would like to join in.
Thoughts, comments, flames?
Joe Brockmeier | Principal Cloud & Storage Analyst
jzb(a)redhat.com | http://community.redhat.com/
Twitter: @jzb | http://dissociatedpress.net/
The following is a new meeting request:
Subject: Server WG Overflow Meeting
Organizer: "Stephen Gallagher" <sgallagh(a)redhat.com>
Time: Thursday, December 19, 2013, 10:00:00 AM - 11:00:00 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Invitees: server(a)lists.fedoraproject.org
Based on the results[1] of the WhenIsGood I sent yesterday, this the best time we have available for continuing the PRD discussion.
Not all of the WG members replied yet, but hopefully the remaining members will be able to make this. (This is the only slot that currently has only one conflict).
[1] http://whenisgood.net/3fws2b9/results/cdhkfrz
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I think we have four topics that we should discuss today before the
winter holidays separate us.
Just a reminder that the PRD needs to specify only our high-level
goals and not define an implementation for them. It is acceptable (for
example) to state that a use-case is "There must be a graphical
configuration API for networking" without specifying a technology
(e.g. NetworkManager) or a display mechanism (e.g. Wayland or Web UI).
We merely need to identify what we want to accomplish, not how we will
do it. That comes after the PRD approval and will require that we
approach upstreams directly and ask for input and help. Something like
a vendor analysis.
#topic Final Assessment of Personas
#topic PRD: Delivery Plan
#topic PRD: Use Cases
#topic PRD: Server Role Requirements
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I suppose we should have a final review of the Personas (assuming that
all the reviews are done. I'm guilty of putting mine off until today...)
Obviously we need to cover some general PRD topics as well.
Other agenda items?
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As mentioned before, I've attempted to put together a user-perspective
on what "roles" should look like in Fedora Server, using FreeIPA as a
representative example. I want to thank Andreas Nilsson of the Cockpit
project for helping out substantially with the mock-ups.
The proposal is fairly wordy, so I put it up on my blog for perusal. I
can copy it into the Server WG blog later, if we agree it's not
completely off-base.
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