Hello, I'm seeking advice. I'd like to volunteer to help test, if it's possible that is, but I have no idea to go about it.
Specifically, the finger print reader, but anything else that devs in the Fedora community might be working on. I read that the 9000 series xps had a driver for Debian and Ubuntu. not sure if its the same tech on the 7390 Dell supports lists this Goodix driver here: https://www.dell.com/support/home/en-au/drivers/driversdetails?driverid=kp8n...
I've just upgraded to Fedora 34 on this reasonably new laptop of mine. I must say in the last few months I've grown to really love this distro. If there's any way I can help any devs with a passion for fingerprint drivers, I'm keen to help. Please let me know. Selfishly of course, because it would be cool if the finger reader worked on Fedora. Everything else seems to be working rather nicely.
Kind Regards,